Week 2: A World Full of Sound! 
- martinTeam
- martin.3
- updated 2 yrs ago
- 208replies
- Stefanie Mosburger-Dalznull2 yrs ago
Welcome to the Main Thread for the second week of the "Music from Latin America" challenge!
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What was the first Latin American Piece you have played?
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- Stefanie Mosburger-Dalznull
- Stefanie_MosburgerDalz
- 2 yrs ago
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Leo Brower, Dia de Novembre
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- Blaise LaflammeAmbassador
- BLaflamme
- 2 yrs ago
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Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz thank you for sharing your version of this beautiful piece, you're doing good, it's not as easy as it sounds.
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- Stefanie Mosburger-Dalznull
- Stefanie_MosburgerDalz
- 2 yrs ago
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Blaise Laflamme thanks
- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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Lamentos do Morro ("Slum Laments", maybe?!?!?! - someone can help me?
I studied these piece during the first week. It's a good piece but I didn't get the hang. Maybe at week 4. Thank you for listening!
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- Blaise LaflammeAmbassador
- BLaflamme
- 2 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes Bravo, nice work on this one!! Do you play Bellinati version? I remember many years ago a friend of mine was playing a few of them.
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- Dale Needles
- Dale_Needles
- 2 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes Moyses Lopes Excellent. It is coming along very nicely. You will have it mastered soon!
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 2 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes What a hypnotic rhythm! Great job as always, Moyses. This music suits you so well.
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- Stefanie Mosburger-Dalznull
- Stefanie_MosburgerDalz
- 2 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes I love the darkness in the chords and the rhythm.
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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Blaise Laflamme Yes!! Bellinatti did an unpayable service to the Brazilian Music, researching and publishing Garoto's Work. It's a great job, in two volumes. I like the original version, which is in Volume I, and that is which Bellinatti plays. Thank you for listening!
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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Dale Needles Thank you for listening! I'm working on some hidden phrases and I confess that the rhythm is a bit difficult for me... I learned the Milonga before the Samba...
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips Thank you! I think I can improve this swing...
In fact, as I said to Dale, I need to "reveal" some phrases that are still hidden in the harmonic mass. I'm sure will be an interesting job. Today I was working very very slow, and some phrases were smiling for me!
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz Thank you for listening! Regards!
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- joosjenull
- joosje
- 2 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes great job Moyses.. Love the rhythmical playing and the provocative harmonies.
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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joosje , Thank you!
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- Stefanie Mosburger-Dalznull
- Stefanie_MosburgerDalz
- 2 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes nailsharp and soft.... love it
- Dale Needles
- Dale_Needles
- 2 yrs ago
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Here is a small sample of three of Carlevaro's Microestudios (#1, 3 & 6). Chanterelle published 20 of Carlevaro's Microestudios in a four-volume set in 1990s.
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- Blaise LaflammeAmbassador
- BLaflamme
- 2 yrs ago
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Dale Needles that was great Dale! I remember #3 somehow, probably someone playing in a masterclass long time ago... they certainly worth taking a look at, what I'll do for sure. Thanks for sharing
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- Dale Needles
- Dale_Needles
- 2 yrs ago
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Blaise Laflamme Thanks. They really are a nice collection.
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 2 yrs ago
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Dale Needles Very cool! I love the concept of the micro-study, and these seem well-worth looking into.
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- Wainull
- Wai_Ng
- 2 yrs ago
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Dale Needles Interesting. This is my first time hearing these Microestudios, they sound beautiful and mysterious. One more book I need to buy.
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- Dale Needles
- Dale_Needles
- 2 yrs ago
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Wai Wai Definitely check them out. They are a good complement to your Brouwer's Estudios Sencillos. I recommend starting with the first volume which has the first five microestudios. Also, there is a great youtube video of Carlevaro giving a lesson on these five studies. (240) A Guitar Lesson with Abel Carlevaro. - YouTube
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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Dale Needles Thank you! Te felicito! Now I can't wait for time to take these studies again! You played beautifully, thanks for sharing!
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- joosjenull
- joosje
- 2 yrs ago
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Dale Needles I just love #1 and #3. Play them very often. You’re doing a wonderful job with these Estudios .Thank you for sharing
- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 2 yrs ago
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Barrios - Oración (Apr 12 update)
Thanks to Moyses, I'm using a new fingering for a particularly troubling measure. Overall, this is getting better, with fewer big mistakes. Unfortunately, I played the accompaniment too loudly again in many places.
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- Dale Needles
- Dale_Needles
- 2 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips Really beautiful. You really have a great feel for romantic pieces, clearly in your soul.
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 2 yrs ago
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Dale Needles Thanks, Dale. This is my favorite style to play.