DAILY UPDATES (Week One, Main Thread) - Submissions, Questions & Discussion
Welcome, everybody, to the Main Thread for Week 1 of this challenge!
This is where the magic happens - the thread where we'll be posting our daily updates for the first week.
- Watch the KICKOFF Livestream for help with all exercises, demonstrations of correct practice techniques, and more.
Every day between January 29th (kickoff stream) and February 5th (second stream), we are hoping to read your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- Exercises you worked on:
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions, metronome range
Sample daily update:
- Exercises you worked on: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a
- One thing you found easy: I started practicing these very slowly and had a pretty easy time making all the notes sound even!
- One thing you found difficult: I keep forgetting which finger I last played with and ended up repeating fingers sometimes.
Feel free to make these updates as short or long as you wish!
↓ Let's do this! Post your daily updates below ↓
Apologies in advance as I suspect I should not go into this amount of detail but hopefully might generate questions, suggestions and more input from others.
I use Beatronome (a great metronome in android -opinion only), set to play 4/4 with clicks on quavers (8th notes so eight clicks per bar as per the way the exercises are written) and set the sound of the first beat and 5th beat to be different to the others. Played 4 bars for each exercise before increasing tempo. Started slow at 50 BPM (playing two notes per beat) and worked up to 150 BPM free strokes i m, 120 BPM rest strokes i m, 120 BMP rest strokes and free strokes p. I feel went too fast as I wasn't "savouring" the tone I was making and concentrating more on the physical action.
I worked on all exercises (1 through 3).
What I found easier was free strokes on i and m and rest strokes on p. (two things).
What I found difficult was i m rest strokes especially with m as (the nail kept catching unless I had my hand turned to use the side of the finger more) and free strokes with p as the thumb occasionally kept touching other strings as the action felt more circular for free strokes.
Excercise I did:. All, but I posted the rest stroke practice.
Thing I found hard: getting even sound out of my fingers. I feel like my middle finger nail catches on the string, even though it is shorter then my index finger, and makes a sharper sound.... I even experimented with index ring alternation to see if it gives me a more even sound.
PS:. I wanted to say thanks to tone base for putting this challenge out there. As someone that cannot read music (yet) it is really nice to see an accessible beginner challenge that doesn't require site reading!
- Exercises you worked on: All of them (1a - 3c)
- One thing you found easy: Even after a period of about a week of not practicing too much, after only 2-3 minutes of warming up, I had an easy time playing a loud, even and strong tone that I know would project far in a concert hall. Seems like all the practice I did in my teens and early 20s was worth it! I still "forget" the correct feeling after a break from practicing, but recover it within minutes rather than months because of all the technical work I've already put in.
- One thing you found difficult: I keep tending to slightly rotate my forearm to the right, exacerbating the length difference between my index and middle fingers. I know that just rotating my wrist to the left (counterclockwise) from the forearm helps a lot, and yet I keep defaulting to not doing it after a period of not practicing. Must be from my early childhood habits of touching the string on the right side of my fingernails, as opposed to the left.
Day 2
Broken nails! i and p nails broke while digging up the vegetable beds.
Approached the exercises slightly differently:
Created a bar 70 BMP, 8 notes per bar. Again I highlighted beats 1 and 5 with a different tone and set the practice to 60 bars so each exercise was 60 bars.
For free strokes I tried moving my RH to different places (ponticello to taso?). For rest strokes I paid attention to my hand. The broken nails made getting even tone impossible so I tried using a and m fingers. I've generally only used a with arpeggios.
What I found easier: The free stroke thumb action was a lot more accurate.
What I found more difficult: Using my a finger made everything more difficult - uneven tone and volume. Also, moving my hand while p was planted made the move more difficult as the thumb tended to press into the string instead of gliding along it - too much tension, not relaxing it.
I also noticed my hand lifts when playing rest strokes with m (most probably due to it being a lot longer. Rest strokes were cleaner if I flattened my wrist.
- I was only able to practice for 5 minutes today but tried each exercise without metronome this time. (Better some than none at all, I figured.)
- I found it easier to use free stroke using i and m than I did with rest stroke and p easier with rest stroke (as someone else also pointed out).
- I forgot to extend my fingers this time but will work on that tomorrow.
This challenge is such a good idea! I had been drifting away from practicing, but this will put me back into picking up my guitar again!