BYWEEKLY UPDATES (Section One, Main Thread) - Submissions, Questions & Discussion
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first section of Santiago de Murcia's "Marizápalos"
- Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
Every day between February 23th (Week 2 stream) and March 16th (watch party), we are hoping to read your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- Section you worked on:
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
This is my attempted in practicing the new piece.
Easy: without ornamentations it is "easy" to play
Difficult: playing the Ornamentations - also difficult to choose the correct kind of Ornamentation. I am unsure about my decisions... but as Martin mentioned - only starting on Note Ornamentation in early Spanish Music...
I am having fun when playing this piece, and never get bored. It is beatiful.
I have difficulty when passing from 27 to 28, A major in 28 is a little tricky. It is also difficult to control the trill at 73, which usually sounds loud. Ornaments in the last part are very hard to follow, but after practising and some memorization I am sure they will become easier. Although every day it is getting better, one week is not enough for me to play it well at the normal tempo, but it is a challenge and I want to record myself and share before tuesday, even if I suck
I recorded the last part, measures 55-73. It is getting better in time, but I was afraid that continuously repeating the trill positions may hurt my left wrist, especially at measure 28, 30 and 59. Therefore I will have a break in the rest of the day. It is also still dificult to control volumes of trills at D and A strings, I don't like how they sound. I still cannot jump from 27 to 28, weird position.
- Section you worked on: First Section, up until bar 73
- One thing you found easy: Repeating over and over again, the piece is really addictive to play! The long harmonic cycle kept turning inside my head over and over again. The mood change in bar 55 is really easy to accentuate as the upper register starts to sing on its own!
- One thing you found difficult: Although it's stuck in my head I am just not able to play it by heart! Probably because I haven't found time to practice enough this week, hopefully next week will be better (I am learning this piece together with you by the way!). Moreover, my right hand is not set yet, I should really commit myself to a fingering in order to gain security!
I look forward to explore the next section with you