BYWEEKLY UPDATES (Section One, Main Thread) - Submissions, Questions & Discussion
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first section of Santiago de Murcia's "Marizápalos"
- Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
Every day between February 23th (Week 2 stream) and March 16th (watch party), we are hoping to read your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- Section you worked on:
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
Still working on to bar 73. I struggle with the chord passage at the start and find there are some tricky bits in each section but I thought I'd upload a video to share my struggles! In fact 3 videos as I recorded it in 3 separate pieces as I knew that I would mess up altogether if I did all 73 bars in one take.
Hi, just joined here Tonebase, but am very happy when noticing this challenge there - I know I surely can not get the piece "ready" on this time, but it seems really interesting to follow the lessons and try the best I can - and make it "ready" then later.
Just the first first: Recordered the "starting point" for that journey today - just tried to find out, how my right hand would work more "original" and what the sound of my Romero Cr "Big-D" could be in different hand position. I have got this instrument on December, and am really happy with it - it has some vibe towards lute, so it - I hope - will be great joy to play this Marizapalos with it :)
- general "just prima vista" for the rest of the piece - for to mentally better understand "what it has eaten", not really practiced yet (need to look the fingerings and embellishments better before that)
- To think that somehow not to be spanish rasquidos, but more like strumming an ukulele. (I do not know, whether that thought is ok, but seemed to work anyway in getting them softer.
- Easy also to like the piece :) and get positive attitude for practicing it.
- I would have liked to play down more ponticello, up more tasto, - maybe the sound would be more logical so? But surprisingly felt that quite difficult, and could not get good "flow" and relaxation in my right hand (yet) - I did not feel my movement is too big, but when looked from the video, it looks so.... so "tasting, tasting" on that thing also tomorrow and later.
- Bar 9 and 10: uups, it is not the same "up-down-up" all the time - and the melody taken to be heard when strumming up... that needs to be looked closer tomorrow. And - there is "new start" i bar 17, when the arrows are sameway as in bar 1.... maybe so?
- Noticed also: For to get that part articulate better seems to need some practice with coordination on both hands (too legato and "heavy" otherwise? )