WEEK 1: Dóbroje útro (Good Morning)!
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the Nikita Koshkin challenge! This is the place for the Week 1 Submissions!
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
- Get the Scores Here
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
Here is my current status on Study #6. These studies, with their modern tonality, are more difficult for me to commit to muscle memory, and therefore require more time to perform without errors at suggested tempo. They are really cool, so wanted to try a few from the second half of the set. So out of time to work more on this one. On to the next...?
I have finally finished up Study #1 with reduced (not eliminated) squeaks and added dynamics and rubato. Although I can play it at the suggested tempo I prefer the sound a bit slower, around 76 or so. I've grown to really like the piece and I will keep playing it. Now, on to #2. I have worked out some fingerings and am working to get the somewhat unfamiliar chord shapes under my fingers. I truly wish I had more time to play these, but the demands of my ensemble music limit that a bit. These are great studies, though, and I plan to work through as many as my abilities allow.