GENERAL DISCUSSION Thread: Click Here to Have a Conversation!
This is the place for general discussions which don't fit in the weekly threads
- Perhaps you have a question inspired by the challenge?
- Want to chat about general topics of music composition?
- Or just looking to chat with fellow challenge participants about music?
Hello Ashley! I'm writing my first guitar composition ever and I'm quite new to written music...
Part of the piece is made of an arpeggio based on sixtuplets and right now with all the "6" and the brackets above it looks quite messy
Is there a sort of rule or a common way to deal with this problem? Thanks, this is exciting!
Ashley (Ash) Lucero said:
then as for the orchestration, the term can also refer to a composer's choice of voicing in a compositionOoh, OK, but I'm guessing you mean something different to counterpoint? More like the distribution of notes in a chord, like considering the timbre the instrument has with the notes in particular registers?
Today in the live I asked a question, perhaps moved by my curiosity. And the question was: Can the traditional "Hero's Journey" that a lot of writers use to structure the plot and keep the reader connected, can this be applied to music composition?
As I got no answer I decided to investigate and I found that it was actually used. I am sharing it here as a curiosity
I found the live interesting and I found very important Ashley (Ash) Lucero advice on not stick to the I-IV-V-I form in the first place.
But I have a question. Perhaps to myself, perhaps to my colleagues and Ashley (Ash) Lucero . When you hear a piece, what really turns you on? What makes you enjoy that music? That's, in my modest opinion, the most important thing to consider, to ask. I've seen too much "correct" pieces that are just boring. They are well written, perhaps. But... something missing inside. And suddenly, something appears that I just love. And asking why we love those things can be, perhaps, the first step to do something that others can love admire as well. Just my fifty cents I guess...
Hello friends! In case anyone want to learn traditional music theory from the ground up, or start further along, or just brush up, here is an online course that is college level. It starts super basic up to advanced. It’s taught by a University professor and is only $30. I’m using it to brush up and I really like it.
You can check it out here : https://learnmusictheory.com/college-music-theory/