Yoda's order
what you practice:
1, Practice routines and warm up.
2. Repertoire - 1 old and 1 new. Old- Valseana, New - Claire De Lune
why you want to play it:
1. valseana - I actually worked on it couple of months ago but I stop after I memorize it. Picking it up again to really work on playing it musically. Mesmerize by it the first time I heard it - TY Zhang's performance.
2. Clair De Lune - la Masa's arrangement.
Fantastic, thank you for our first member entry into our practice diary!!!
I know that timezone-wise it's difficult to tune in to our interactive livestream on friday, the interactive practice room! But I'll try to pack all the relevant information within the first 20min of the livestream so that will be available for everybody, but in the future we will experiment with open interactive classes that will get recorded!
Valseana and Claire de Lune, what a dreamy combination!!!
can finally practice again.
aim for this week:
1. Clair de lune is to play the un pocco mosso section smoothly. have memorized the section and work out the fingerings but still sound very disjointed
2. Valseana - have worked on this for sometime, so the aim is to work on phrasing and tempo control. Especially in section B.
tried recording my progress so here goes.
clair de lune:
having issues with making the whole piece sing. Especially the second section, think will have to target practice just that section until it ingrained in to the muscle memory before working on the other sections in detail.
The C section kept breaking apart whenever I tried to speed up. Have to slower the tempo and rework it up.
Worked these pieces with my teacher.
1. Opening - to create more variations in dynamics. Imagine waking up but falling back to sleep and waking up again.
2. Section A - to soften the trill to make it more of an afterthought.
3. Section C - make changes to fingerings. Work on the hammer ons.
4. Section D - more practice to get it more fluid.
1. Opening - change fingerings to make it melody to sing more
2. Try to play at a slower pace to let notes naturally die so when it happens due to arrangement, it wouldn't sound so jarring
3. Section B - use rest stroke when possible to bring out the melody. play the accompaniment softer.
22 Nov
Clair De lune:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTgff5QGd5U
I've been spending a lot of time listening all kinds of other arrangement as well as the original for inspiration.
Memorized the whole piece now and I'm 99% sure of the fingerings. Was working on over-ringing. Seems to have succeeded but now have to work on cutting out some unnecessary noises
Valseana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUHnzFFAeKg
need to work on relaxation and slowing down more during second section. There is one particular passage which always trips me up and the more I think about it, the more likely I'll trip up.