Group 1
Improve your tremolo!
Tremolo is one of the defining techniques for classical guitar! Although not used very often in the repertoire, some of the most iconic pieces employ it to create a beautiful singing melody above an accompaniment pattern.
Fellow Participants in Group 1:
Eric Phillips
Blaise Laflamme
peter hancock
Nora Torres-Nagel
Rachel Holmes
Bill Young
Carlos Calderon
Brett Gilbert
Some tonebase productions to get you started
- 8 Steps To A Perfect Tremolo Course by Stephanie Jones
- Scott Tennant - On Tremolo
- Scott Tennant - Recuerdos de la Alhambra
- Thomas Viloteau - On Tremolo
- Artyom Dervoed - Tremolo
How to get the most out of this course
- Start by watching the introduction video and practice the exercises given in the video.
- Write a post with your experiences with tremolo.
- At the same time, start practicing the first eight bars of "Recuerdos de la Alhambra". If you are new to the piece, begin with a chord reduction as presented in Scott's workbook on Recuerdos.
- Share two videos per week and help your course partners through feedback on their submissions!
Zoom Check-In: Friday, May 20th at 8 pm CET (11 am PT)
Assignment 1:
Play Recuerdos with pami (standard tremolo pattern) in slow motion with enough time to relax after each individual stroke.Assignment 2:
Same as 1, but with pima (reversed tremolo).Assignment 3:
Play Recuerdos with pami (standard tremolo pattern) in a slow dotted rhythm (legato or staccato).Assignment 4:
Same as 3, but with pima (reversed tremolo pattern)Bonus Assignment:
Play through the first eight bars in a tempo where you can maintain a relaxed hand.Submit two videos per week! Don't forget to help your fellow participants by commenting on their submissions!
I am working on the tremolo and Recuerdos since march 2021. It is also in my Practice diary although I did not enter a video in the last months. My problems are: the rythm - although it has improved a lot - evenness , touching of other strings, inconsistency, balance of p with ami, the missing of the beautiful legato effect. Somedays sounds quite good, other days sounds horrible. The beginning is always the worse. I am very enthusiastic in sharing our exercises and experiences with you guys. I have seen almost all the contributions about tremolo in tonebase, each one has helped me with something very important. I am playing Recuerdos between 110-130, depending on the "wheather"
Martin First of all, I love the access code! Nobody could possible hack that one!
I do have a question. Is the goal to do all four assignments over the course of the entire two weeks, or are there more assignments coming during the two weeks? I'm not asking for more, I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.
#1 (assignments 1-3)
Hi everyone, I started practicing this a week ago going through all of the relevant tonebase videos and memorizing the left hand so I could concentrate just on the right hand.
This video has just assignments 1-3 for now as I try to establish the correct right hand motion and become more secure. After recording and playing back I can tell I played it a bit fast (it's hard to play slow!) and the notes are perhaps a bit too soft. Both my hands get tired after practicing this for more than 20 minutes so maybe I'm too tense?
Alternating figuring is a great idea. One of my favorite yt performances of this piece is by Ana Vidovic and it looks like she does her tremolos with just 2 fingers i-m!