Calling all Members! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Community Challenge 💘

Hey everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed our recent "Music YOU Love Challenge" as much as we did! The response was amazing, and we loved seeing all of your favorite music choices.

Now it's time to start thinking about our next community challenge, and we want to hear from you! 

The challenge can be anything you like - it could be related to music, or something completely different. It could involve composers, genres, or regions or anything else! We want to hear all of your ideas!

So, what do you think? Do you have an idea for our next community challenge? We can't wait to hear from you! Please post your ideas in this thread!

Thank you all for being part of our community, and we can't wait to see what you come up with!


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    • martinTeam
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    • martin.3
    • 1 yr ago
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    We appreciate your valuable suggestions and will certainly consider them for our upcoming community challenges! One idea that I would like to explore now is a World Music Challenge, where you can choose classical guitar pieces from regions that inspire you musically, or even showcase the traditional music of your home country. This would be a great opportunity for everyone to explore diverse musical styles and connect with fellow classical guitarists in the tonebase community. Thank you again for your input, and we hope to see you participate in the challenge!

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    • martin Sound good Martin. I may need the help of Blaise Laflamme to find a suitable piece for me but the idea to listen pieces from around the world is great.

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    • martin Sounds good!

    • Andre Bernier no worries, have you already take a look at Productions d'Oz, they are one of the largest classical guitar publisher in the world, they are based in Quebec city, and they have plenty of music by Canada/Quebec composers! 💪

    • Blaise Laflamme Merci Blaise pour la suggestion. je vais aller voir ça immédiatement

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      • Jim King
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      • Jim_king
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Thank you Blaise for the suggestion.  They seem to have something for all difficulty levels.

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    • Jim King Andre Bernier they have a huge catalog with plenty of artists from around the world, and almost everything is available as PDF.

    • Martin Hey Martin, what about a challenge with Steve Goss music written for us! 🤔

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    • don
    • don.2
    • 1 yr ago
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    martin not sure if I’ve suggested this before. Anime and game music.  There are so many wonderful untapped music there to be discovered and play.  Nobu Uematsu and Joe Hisaishi are such wonderful composers. 

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