I just played a concert! What's next?

So you just played a concert! First of all, bravo on being courageous to get on stage and share your music with an audience! After the applause dies down, and the event is over, a question may pop into your mind..."What's next"? Regardless of whether you were happy, sad, frustrated or even ambivalent toward your performance, this is a critical moment where you should ask questions, and check in with yourself both on an objective and subjective level! Tune in today to learn about healthy and refined steps you can take to keep improving as an artist! 


Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:                          






We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                         

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    • David Krupka
    • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
    • David_Krupka
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    For amateur guitarists, 'performing' generally means participating in a community concert, or playing at a local 'open mike'. Typically, we get to play one or two short pieces. It may not be much, but it's as close to Carnegie as we'll ever get! Could you include in your discussion a few words about the lessons that might be drawn from such modest 'gigs'? Thanks!

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