Week 1: Pick a Piece! ![♥](https://d56vh6ph4jjmq.cloudfront.net/emoji/emojione/4_0/svg2/2665.svg)
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the "Music YOU Love" practice challenge!
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↓ Happy Sharing! ↓
BWV 996 Courante B Section
This is the 'B' section only - no repeats. It is the requisite number of blunders for my standard. I feel I finally have this more or less under control. I still have a lot of work refining the articulation and overall interpretation but the notes and ornamentations are mostly there. I will next work on the entire piece with refinements for my next posting.
Note: I think I have finally found a reasonable solution for my bad nail issue. I had been using glue on nails but that seem to really damage my nails. I just got some nails that us adhesive tabs. The nails stay on but are removable (and reusable). The tabs peel off with some effort but don't appear to cause any damage to the nails. Anyway I am hopeful.
I just saw the posting - I am apparently in my 'Blue Period'.
Are we still in the first week? Good, I needed time to let my nails grow after a few minor accidents... no fake nails for me, I need to feel the touch of the nail in combination with the flesh.
After 1 week of practice on this (5th) part of the Suite Compostelana by Mompou a first recording.. I fell in love with the opening and closing pieces of the suite that are much more difficult. I felt sometimes frustrated for not being able to come even close to a recording or performing level. But never really bored or dissatisfied. There are so many fascinating harmonies,, colors, mood changes. Every time I come back to them I feel a bit closer again. I just wonder why i didn't try this Cancion before. It is so melodic and a lot less demanding. Only some awkward chord changes and some stretches that are difficult for my small hands.
My nails grew just enough to get the voices balanced - apart from some places where my a finger missed the upper voice and in the bass voice I had still no other option than to use the flash of my thumb. I hope to explore with more colors coming weeks.
Hi thanks for all the positive reactions I got in reaction of my first video of the Allemande by Weiss (Ponce). I now focused on the fingering and finally got my self into really trying to be able to play the second part. My weakness is to skip difficult parts, but now I also post my first video of the second part (still a work in progress), but for me it is a very good exercise. I was very busy, will look into the other videos soon and hope to join the party