Week 1: Pick a Piece! 
- martinTeam
- martin.3
- 2 yrs ago
- 223replies
- Moyses Lopes2 yrs ago
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the "Music YOU Love" practice challenge!
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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BWV 996 Courante part A, (very) rough draft
I can't believe I am the first to post. That's scary - no where to hide.
I am trying to work my way thru the entire BWV 996 suite, though I will only get a couple of movements for this challenge - if I'm lucky. I do have the Allemande almost set and will post it soon.
I am trying to incorporate the articulation techniques from the Sanel Radzic workshop last month. It's all still pretty rough, as are the cross string trills. I am using Marcin Dylla, as well as Radzic, as models for this piece.
I am also having a lot of difficulties with my fake nails. I have ordered some new options and hopefully they will be better.
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- Steve Price
- Steve_Price
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Nice Jack. I think I told you how much I like this suite before so I'm really looking forward to your work on it. Enjoy.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Steve Price Thanks Steve. I used to play this suite decades ago
(sans gigue). I hope to get it back at a more polished level. I've started the B section which is quite a challenge.!Like -
- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Awesome, Jack! The articulation gives it almost a piercing quality that really works for this music. Can't wait to hear more. Btw, I'm about to post a video below, so you won't be hanging out here alone any more.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips Thanks Eric. I am getting better at the articulation and trills. Listening to Marcin Dylla's version was a revelation for me. However, the 'B' section is quite a bit more challenging.
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- Eric PhillipsAmbassador
- Eric
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart What is it with B sections?! They are always more difficult it seems to me.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Eric Phillips I think composers love luring you in with sparkly A sections and then, after you have made all that commitment of time to get that down, they pull out all the stops and slap you with a real cruncher for the last half. They know they have you then. I'm sure it gives them no end of demonic pleasure.
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- Andre Bernier
- Retired
- Andre_Bernier
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart This is a very good start Jack. This suite is offering a lot of challenges. Good luck, we are looking forward to seeing the progress over the month.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Andre Bernier Thanks, Andre. This suite is one of my favorites - and challenges indeed!
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- Stefanie Mosburger-Dalznull
- Stefanie_MosburgerDalz
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Great music and you are already so far!
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- Barney
- Barney
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Nice playing Jack!! Those cross string trills are pretty impressive ( I think you are the resident cross-string trills master). Keep going---It's sounding great!
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz Thanks Stefanie.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Barney Thanks Barney. Cross string trills are a part of my daily practice because I find them so difficult to do consistently. They are getting better but consistency is still an issue.
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- Barney
- Barney
- 2 yrs ago
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- Jack Stewart Are you following the David Russell Cross string trills method?
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- joosjenull
- joosje
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Great start, Jack. I like this articulation. And your trills are very convincing , as well as the other ornamentation, you've done great work so far, can't wait to hear the continuation.
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- Moyses Lopes
- Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
- Moses
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Nice playing, Jack, great start! I'm looking forward to hearing more trills from you. Thanks for sharing!
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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joosje Thanks Joosje. I have started on the B section and find it even more challenging. I will get it but it will be a while.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Moyses Lopes Thanks Moyses. More cheap trills?
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Barney I thought I responded to your question but I must not have posted it.
I don't know where I got my CST technique. I use ima, i on the lower string alternating with m and a on the upper string. This leaves my thumb free. I also practice starting with a (upper string) and i (lower string). I know there are others that use p in the trills as well, but I don't.
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- Barney
- Barney
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Got it Jack, thanks! It seems to be working well for you , so keep it up.
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- Stephen Holland
- Stephen_Holland
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Hello Jack, I have enjoyed listening to your presentation. Thank you for introducing me to the score.
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- Steve Pederson
- The Journey is My Destination!
- Steve_Pederson
- 2 yrs ago
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Jack Stewart Bravo Jack! Really impressive work. I always find Bach pretty challenging, but you're not one to back down from a challenge! I love that you are embracing that ornamentation and going for it!
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Stephen Holland Thanks Stephen. Just to clarify on the score, I am using Frank Koonce set of Bach guitar suites and Sharon Isbin's BWV 996 score which she made in collaboration with Rosalyn Tureck. They are actually quite similar.
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- Jack Stewart
- Retired
- Jack_Stewart
- 2 yrs ago
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Steve Pederson Thanks Steve. It has taken me a long time but I am finally getting fairly accurate with the cross string trills.
- Emmanull
- Emma
- 2 yrs ago
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Wow it sounds very good already!!! And you are nailing the thrills and ornaments! Now polishing ahead haha now I will be shy to share my Bach