Practice plan

Hi everyone, I have dipped into classical guitar every now and then usually just to escape to the safety of my Les Paul. I decided at the beginning of the year to try and attempt to improve and take it seriously. The photo is my proposed practice plan for March. Mark

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    • David Krupka
    • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
    • David_Krupka
    • 11 days ago
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    Thanks for posting this, Mark - it's always interesting to see how others approach practicing. Just to be clear, is this what you are proposing to do on a daily basis? (If so, that's a lot of practicing! 😲) In any event, you are certainly more disciplined than I am!  My own approach is probably best described as 'work on whatever comes to mind, whenever I happen to feel like it'. (Not the formula that gets anyone to Carnegie Hall ...)

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    • David Krupka Hi David, thank you for your reply. It is intended to be a daily routine, I am lucky enough to have the time, I just want to give it a good go before I get too old.

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      • David Krupka
      • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
      • David_Krupka
      • 11 days ago
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      Mark Thirlwell Well, it looks like you'll be giving it a very good go indeed! You're already playing at a very good standard (I enjoyed your 'Sueno' video) so I expect you'll soon be at that elusive 'next level'. (Admittedly a silly expression!) You're working on some really great repertoire, all of it rather difficult! Personally, I try to have a few easy pieces going alongside the challenging ones - that way, even if there are a few 'fails' along the way, there's bound to be something to show for all the effort. (Actually, it's been a long time since I've had anything at all to show, but that's another story ...) Anyhow, I look forward to hearing more of your playing, should you choose to share it with us. Cheers!

    • David Krupka thank you again David. You are correct it is difficult sometimes to identify what the next level is and whether you have got anywhere near it but I have to give it a go and keep trying, keeps my ageing brain engaged if nothing else. Thanks again

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