Week 2: Sharing the Journey 

Embark on a musical journey with our latest challenge, "A Fresh Start". It’s time to dust off that sheet music you’ve been eyeing and dive into a brand-new piece!
- Challenge Start: Kick-Off on April 15th!
- Duration: April 15th to May 13th
- Watch Party: Join us on May 13th at 11 AM PST to watch selected submissions!
- Progress Sharing: You should have your new piece selected by now. This week, let's start sharing our progress. Post a video or describe what you've been working on. It's fascinating to see how everyone approaches the learning process!
After trying for a few days, I think i’ve settled on the fingerings. It is pretty hard for me to stick to it as I realized i had so much bad habits with my right hand appregio picking. I tend to go i m a i when i play any appregio from g-b-e -e.
This exercise is great, I have somewhat memorized it. For now my aim is to make sure i’m conscious of my right hand and focussing on articulation.
Hello to all, Happy to join this challenge....sorry for my late arrival....for this challenge I have chosen La Catedral prelude, from Agustín Barrios.....its a challenging piece which combines "campanela"(i dont know the Word in English) and positions inside the guitar body.....this is my first , uncomplete, take.....greetings
BWV 998 Prelude mm 1-13 (ist page) rough draft
I decided to learn this prelude as it has been on my list for years, and because Sanel Redzic did a livestream on it last week. I had originally intended to present a Prelude by Rameau but It will have to wait.
The prelude is not that difficult technically, at least in some respects. I have been able to read thru it somewhat and I can play pretty much all of it in snippets. My real difficulty is in trying to get the right hand fingering down. This piece requires me to layout the RH fingering for the entire piece. I usually only do that only when there is a passage that is particularly tricky but it seems to me that every passage needs to be laid out.
It has taken this long to get the first third somewhat under control. I am almost thru the next page, so hopefully the rest will fall into place and I can begin working on phrasing and interpretation.