BYWEEKLY UPDATES (Section Three, Main Thread) - Submissions, Questions & Discussion
Welcome to the Main Thread for the second section of Santiago de Murcia's "Marizápalos"!
- Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
- Watch the prerecorded kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
- Watch the prerecorded Livestream for help with the second section!
- Watch the Section Three Livestream for help with the new section!
Every day between February 23th (Week 2 stream) and March 16th (watch party), we are hoping to read your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- Section you worked on:
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
Unfortunately I've been fighting with high fever since Tuesday
, therefore I haven't touched my guitar for days
Thankfully my Covid test is negative, and my fever dropped down to normal levels today. I think the last part was the most challenging one, and it needs more time than the previous ones. I am not sure I have energy to practice today, so I have only 2 days before the watch party. I will try as far as I can go but it will be impossible to catch up, I am very sorry for that.
I tried the whole section before my illness. Sight reading is easy, but right hand fingering does not have a pattern. It makes it very difficult to play it in normal tempo.One week is very short for this part. Maybe we can postpone the watch party?
(I feel like a college student who tries to postpone the final exam because she didn't study
- Section you worked on: I've been working on the last section very slowly
- One thing you found easy: The first two or three bars
- One thing you found difficult: I've been trying Martin's fingering for bars 169 - 170, going up to the g on the fifth string. The two bars are basically 3 scale runs going from a to f the first time and g to f the second and third time followed by g to b. Martin's fingering is different for each run and it's tricky going up to the high g for the second scale run. Looking at the manuscript the composer has used the same fingering for each scale so I have been practising this section using the fingering that Martin suggested for the second scale run (starting with the g on the fifth string) on all of the runs (omitting the g the first time, starting on the a on the fourth string using the first finger) using the same fingering for the final g to b and then shifting down quickly for the E major chord (luckily the final b is an open string). It seems to work for me at the moment. It's still tricky though. I tried using the pattern for the first run as per Martin's notated script and playing the g as an open string each time but it didn't seem to work very fluently.
- Section you worked on: bar 145 - 181
- One thing you found easy: playing very slow
- One thing you found difficult: increase speed without playing the wrong notes
I love this piece, but - I think it is much too difficult to be worked on in a three weeks Challenge.
Tonebase is really challenging ( for my feelings too much challenging at the moment... ):
- I want to upload my improved version of "Tango en Skai"
- also the newer version of "Julia Florida"
- practicing very hard on Tremolo at the moment to do a recording for upcoming Masterclass
Taking everything seriously - there is no time to go to work .... ? ( need the time to practice )
I've been concentrating on the last variation trying to get it smoother and faster. Coming along quite well so hopefully a recording tomorrow morning. I've also had a look at the triplet section again, If I get the recording done of the last variation I will then concentrate on the triplets section. I've also been trying to get the chordal introduction and ending working so hopefully I can finish off the last variation with the DC.