FAQ for "Around the 19th Century Guitar world" with Hannah Murphy!
Welcome to the 19th Century!
The 19th century was a time of great invention and exciting virtuosos in the world of classical guitar. Join me each week as I explore what was happening in the salons, parlors, and concert halls in the greatest cities in Europe during the Romantic Era.
We will be diving into the classical guitar scenes of Paris, Vienna, Italy, and Spain. Learn some of the best examples of classical guitar music from each of those regions and what connected those composers to each other, to the music, and to the world at large.
The 19th Century World
Some selected tonebase productions to get you started:
- Peter Graneis - Adagio by Mertz
- Gabriel Bianco - Les Soirées d'Auteil by Coste
- Petrik Ceku - Lob der Tränen by Schubert (Mertz)
- Alexandra Whittingham - Forgotten by Pratten
- Petrik Ceku - Ständchen by Schubert (Mertz)
- Carlo Marchione - Fantasie Elegiaque by Sor
Composers & Scores from other sources
- Paris in the 19th Century: Sor, Carcassi, Carulli, Coste
- Vienna in 19th Century: Mertz, Giuliani, Matiegka
- Italy in 19th Centure: Legnani, Paganini, Regondi
- Spain in 19th Century: Tarrega, Aguado, Ferrer
Some Links for you:
- https://www.earlyromanticguitar.com/erg/composers.htm
- http://musicated.com/CGCL/music/CGCL_chron.html
- https://imslp.org/index.php?title=Category:People_from_the_Romantic_era&intersect=Composers
Do I have to pieces according to the region of the week?
Absolutely not! Feel free to work on the piece of the 19th century that you like for a longer period of time! Just watch Hannah's livestream to gain inspiration and guidance on the regional differences!
Can I join the challenge if I wasn't there on July 8th?
Yes! Just make sure you watch the first session and complete any workshop challenges before the next challenge.
I have a question, who do I ask?
Feel free to use this thread to ask any questions about this challenge! For a more detailed just DM me here on the forum!
Can I do more than one piece per week?
Absolutely! -Feel free to explore as many pieces as you want! It’s about exploring the 19th Century!
I don't quite understand. Are we just posting any pieces we want from the 19th century? During week one, should we limit ourselves to guitar composers from Paris (Sor, Carcassi, Carulli, Coste)? Are we posting something other than repertoire? Should I just shut up and wait until the kickoff next Friday? (I'm not good at waiting.)