Sonata 3 Manuel M. Ponce

Greetings to all, 

This days I'm studying Sonata n3 by Ponce. Currently working with the, so beautiful, second part of this sonata. In couple of weeks I hope I will be able to provide you with a better version :)

Take care!

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  • An outstanding piece of music, and you are already playing this movement with great tone and feeling. Despite being slow, this middle movement is very challenging. I look forward to hearing your progress!

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    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Manolis Hi Manolis and welcome to the Practice Diary! That’s a beautiful rendition of Ponce’s chanson! I have never heard the beginning of the middle part played with campanellas. Thank you for showing us how it’s done!! 

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    • Manolis
    • Manolis
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Busy Months

    Dear practise diary...

    It has been 2 months already since my last update! It felt more to be honest..🤔

    Busy months to say the least, with not sufficient study obviously,.. What can one do, dedicated study has been already such a hard task in and of itself.. In addition, it won't usually pay the bills.🙂

    🎷Quite a bit more musical result since last time, that's what I like. Took some inspiration and ideas from Petra's rendition, God bless her. What I don't like is that from time to time I feel slow inside the phrases. Regarding the technique, I could start with balancing the singing notes better, taking care of the sound of the first string, especially when playing forte, perhaps reconsider the fingering in m.6-7, but 😩 come on, I will give myself a third,fourth,fi.. chance to make it work. These would be enough for now... Ok, perhaps a little bit of effort for the Vivo to be clearer. No more than that!

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Manolis Manolis, that was a beautiful performance. Your phrasing and tone are very effective in conveying the emotion of this beautiful piece. I am not familiar with this work, I will have to search it out. Thanks for a wonderful performance. 

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      • Manolis
      • Manolis
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jack Stewart Thank you Jack! I'm really happy you enjoyed it!

    • Manolis That's fantastic. I was really drawn in to this performance and forgot I was watching something in the practice diary. Congrats.  

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    • Manolis Very beautiful. Really good performance, so musical in phrasing and tone. It would be interesting to follow also your practicing this piece, since this is the practice forum….

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      • Manolis
      • Manolis
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Thank you Steve!

      • Manolis
      • Manolis
      • 2 yrs ago
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      joosje Thank you joosje! So far I've been using the practise diary as a summary of my practise, recording a video after reaching a specific milestone. It would be a nice idea to record actual practise bits from inside the piece though, if I understand your suggestion correctly! Let's see how it would work!

    • joosje I'm new here so maybe I'm missing something but pretty much every post I've seen in the practice diary section recently is a completed piece in some stage of development and this one seems the same. Is there something I'm missing about how this part of the forum should be used? I expect I'll be adding some things but want to make sure I know what's going on first.

    • Steve Price Manolis  far from anything like criticizing or telling people what to do. I am just very curious about how people come to learn, practice and interpret a piece. I somehow thought that the practice diary is about that process, but maybe I was wrong. It is, of course, great, and inspiring, to see and hear how well people can play the pieces they have been practicing for a while - apart from the interactive masterclasses, the challenges and the community concerts. As you say, a completed piece in some stage of development. That’s also worthwhile. 
      What was missing so far, was this early process of learning. Martin gave some wonderful insights several times, explaining and recording his approach. That was fascinating. And I admit, I personally find it very difficult to share that process (discovering, stumbling, finding solutions)  with the community, because it’s so fragile and personal… and makes me feel uncomfortable. Anyway, so far I am enjoying every post by our friends in the community….

    • Manolis
    • Manolis
    • 2 yrs ago
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    joosje I think your idea is a very nice one. I also find it interesting to know how other musicians work and progress. On the other hand it is not an easy idea to implement, since it could become very boring to listen to someone repeating just a few bars or notes for a long time, which is a usual thing while practising.. Also, a video cannot be that long, so you should take some time to choose the part of your practise that you would share. Perhaps make some comments while practising, or think out loud, etc... It could work in a nice way, but it would add extra difficulty and time in your practise. I'm not sure this is the goal of the practise diary.

    Theres is actualy a post from Martin with an introduction to the practise diary but even without this introduction, I feel the diary works great as a motivation for one to practise in order to perform. By having the opportunity to share the result of your work sooner than later and at the same time feel safe that you are sharing a "work in progress" and not a "finished" piece, which is usually something that holds us back and often keeps us playing for ourselves until the end of time. Also, for me it works as a real music diary (not a private one of course)🙂!


    Now I did try to make your suggestion work but as I said I didnt find it an easy task😄!! It was interesting for me to see how I use my time and energy in practise though, so thank you for that! I'm far from fluent in video editing so I will share a few minutes from a whole evening of practise. Hopefully not too boring or annoying to watch until the end. There were some funny parts also but I could not edit them. :) Let me know if you find something interesting. It is just the first 4 bars.

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    • Manolis I actually find this fascinating. There is so much happening when we are getting into a piece and finding our way towards expressing its essence. You’re showing your approach which is very helpful. The melodic approach, phrasing, balancing different voices. Yes it’s very detailed,, but so inspiring as an insight in how you are working to get there. I thank you for sharing this in the forum

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      • Manolis
      • Manolis
      • 2 yrs ago
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      joosje That's great! I am very happy for that! I will try to include some more similar videos in future posts.

  • Manolis beautiful piece and playing, you're definitely not a beginner! Are you also working on all Sonata's movements? This is a beautiful musical gift Ponce gave us.

      • Manolis
      • Manolis
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme  Hello Blaise! Thank you! I am working in all movements indeed! It's wonderful music, as you said! 

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