I think this would be AWESOME! Everybody can play a piece, we can cheer for each other and you can have that concert excitement from your home!
I can speak from experience that playing a livestream concert is still quite exhilarating! What do you think?
I'm all for it! (I say that now. I'm sure I'd be a wreck right before playing.)
Another really cool activity would be a community online ensemble. Would make a great challenge if we could find a piece with parts at different levels so that we could contribute parts we were comfortable with
Cool Idea, I was already thinking to combine something with some recording challenge! Performing together is technically a little bit difficult due to the latency of video conferencing systems, but if everybody records their individual voice at a set speed, it sounds like a fun activity! Chris Coghill
Martin you can manage to do something similar to the Virtual Guitar Orchestra? https://virtualguitarorchestra.com
Blaise Laflamme That's a fantastic project (but knowing just how much work something like this takes ... )
Martin you're totally right, but since they have outlined an interesting workflow you could potentially envision a simpler one that fits a Tonebase model, and you're probably the one with the most expertise and experience for that
Great idea!