Adam Del Monte: Intro to Flamenco for Classical Guitarists (Dec 17) Questions / Suggestions

Hey everyone, I am so incredibly excited about this livestream!!! 😍


Prof. Adam Del Monte, head of the flamenco department at USC Thornton in Los Angeles AND a highly successful classical guitarist and composer, will be giving us some tips on getting starting with flamenco music!

No prior knowledge of flamenco is needed for this one - and he is the perfect person to get us started with this genre! Where was he when I was just getting acquainted with flamenco, in my teenage years?


I don't know whether it was the rawness and the passion of this genre that always enticed me, but I have been a fan ever since I heard my first copla! And guess what - as I found out much later, practicing flamenco also helps with classical technique!

Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:



We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions about things he might want to touch on, and offer you a chance to ask him your own questions!

  • What questions do you have for him?
  • Any particular area you would like him to focus on?

Forum questions will be answered first!


Have you ever wanted to learn flamenco - the most passionate and raw of all Spanish music - but never known where to start? Prof. Adam del Monte, internationally acclaimed flamenco guitarist and composer will provide some invaluable tips for you in this livestream! Uniquely qualified to get you started in this genre, Adam is also a successful classical guitarist and leader of the widely successful flamenco studio at USC Thornton in Los Angeles. Learn how flamenco can help open your mind and improve classical technique, too!

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  • Hi Adam please, compas Buleria intermedia

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini great topic suggestion 😎 will do!

    • Dario
    • dario_caruso
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I missed this great live. 

    I have just watched the replay... thanks !!

    One question I would have liked to ask is: is there any technical reason why flamenco guitarist does not use the classical, more stable, guitar position ? 

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Dario Hi Dario! I actually talked about this with Adam a while ago outside our stream, based on what I remember, he said it has to do with three elements: 1) freedom of the right forearm to rotate from the elbow without needing to spend additional effort to support its weight on the guitar body; 2) tradition; 3) the implicit lack of availability of footstools in the "grassroots" flamenco culture. Hope this helps! If we get Adam back for a second livestream at some point, you should post this question again so that I may ask him!

      • Dario
      • dario_caruso
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mircea Thanks for your response!!

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