CALL FOR RECORDINGS for upcoming Virtual Masterclass with Mircea Gogoncea (Current Submission Thread)

The old thread for Virtual Masterclass submissions has become too long - therefore, it is time for a new one! This is the current submission thread for masterclasses with me.


Following the success of previous Community Virtual Masterclasses, we are once again looking for submissions for the next edition with me.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis (no deadline), so simply reply here with your submission anytime you have a piece or passage you would like to work on.


A new date and time will be announced once we have 2-3 suitable submissions. So please, go ahead and submit your videos to us by replying to this very thread!

If your submission doesn't make it into this upcoming masterclass, we will include it in a future edition. Watch previous masterclasses: Edition 1 | Edition 2 | Edition 3 Edition 4.


  1. You send in a video of yourself performing a piece, movement of a piece, or even a passage from a piece. Alternatively, you can submit a passage of sheet music for me to give you targeted advice on.
  2. Once we have 2-3 submissions, I will run a live stream specifically for you, giving you tailor-made advice for your own playing!

It's like if we were doing an online lesson - except others get to see it and hopefully also benefit from the advice I'm giving you. Here is an example!

It's basically an exact replica of an in-person masterclass: you play for a teacher (in this case through a recording), and they work with you while others watch.


  • Have you been watching the live streams and wishing you could ask me a question relating to your playing specifically? Now is your chance!
  • Share your music with others and grow by watching them, too.
  • It's basically a free online lesson for you!


  • It can be something you recorded specifically for this, or a preexisting recording you already have.
  • All levels are welcome! My advice will be tailored to your specific level, and in the past, we've worked with everything from beginners to full-on concert players.
  • You must be fine with other people watching the video and your performance, as it will be embedded into the live stream itself. I will start and stop it as if we were doing an actual, in-person masterclass.
  • I usually spend about 20-35 minutes per submission.
  • While I will try to feature everyone, if we get a lot of submissions, your video might not be immediately featured. In that case however, we'll run more of these very soon!


  • Submit right here, by replying to this thread!
  • You can either attach a video directly from your computer, or paste a link to a YouTube video
  • (If you opt to use a YouTube video, it can be unlisted - no need to make it public!)
  • Please also attach a link to the sheet music.


All right, this should be it! Looking forward to seeing everyone's submissions!

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  • I'd like to submit this recording of Tarrega's Pavana for the next masterclass. A photo of the score is attached. A few of my fingerings are different.

    Like 1
    • Eric Phillips Bravo!!! 👋

      Like 1
    • Giuseppe Gasparini Thank you, Giuseppe!

      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Just wanted to let you know that I'll finally be featuring this in my next masterclass on Friday next week, September 10th. Sorry it took a while! I do hope to be doing these more regularly going forward. I'm just about to make an announcement at the top of this thread - expect to see the event up on the site in a few hours! Looking forward to this.

      Like 1
  • Hey Mircea! Here is my performance for the virtual masterclass. Prelude BWV 998 by J.S Bach. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all the work you do!! 

    • Eddie Carcamo Wow, that was so beautiful, Eddie! 

      Like 1
    • Eric Phillips Thank you Eric! Your Pavana is sounding amazing by the way, keep it up! 

      Like 1
    • Eddie Carcamo Thanks Eddie. Now we just need to get one more person to submit something.

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eddie Carcamo Eddie, that was wonderful. Really beautifully performed.

    • Eddie Carcamo Bravissimo!!!👋👋

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    • Giuseppe Gasparini D’accordo!

      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eddie Carcamo Hi Eddie! Thank you so much for submitting this! Sorry this took a while, but I will be featuring this in my upcoming virtual masterclass next week, on September 10th! I'm just about to make an announcement this at the top of this thread. Hope to see you in the stream!

    • Brett Gilbertnull
    • Piano and classical guitar
    • Brett_Gilbert
    • 3 yrs ago
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    New to Tonebase, but I wanted to submit what I'm currently working on to hopefully trigger a masterclass for the amazing performances above.  I've been using the version of this piece from Bradford Werner's level 4 lesson book but for copyright reasons uploaded a different version I found on web.   Since I've been learning on my own using online resources I'm especially interested in feedback on hand position, etc.  I have trouble with the barre cord at measure 28 and some challenges muting strings effectively.   Thank you!

    • Brett Gilbert Thanks so much for submitting this, not only because now we may get the masterclass going, but mostly because it's awesome! I remember sight-reading through this piece when it was on Bradford's site. I still cannot believe you are playing at this high level so quickly, and without a one-on-one teacher! I'd love to hear you play piano (which I know is your main instrument).

      • Brett Gilbertnull
      • Piano and classical guitar
      • Brett_Gilbert
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Thank you. I think it's been easier to learn because I already knew how to read music, and I've played around with a ukulele for a while so guitar was not too foreign.  I appreciate the active community here and it's inspiring to see people's videos.  I'm curious, how long have you been playing?  I'm so impressed with your submission above and your videos during the challenge.

      p.s. I think you can see my tonebase piano submissions if you go to my "channel" on youtube, assuming I set it up correctly.

      Like 1
    • Brett Gilbert Yes, just being able to read music is more than half the battle. You also seem naturally musical as well.

      I started playing at age 13, but didn't start classical until my second year of college, where I took lessons for three years. After that, for the next 25 years, I (sadly) only played sporadically, not even having nails for most of that time. Then about five years ago, I discovered all the great stuff on the internet for classical guitar (sheet music, videos, educational resources, etc.) and I fell in love again with it. Now I can't ever play enough. I don't have a teacher, but the team here at Tonebase (Marty, Mircea, Ashley, and Emmanuel) have really been so incredibly helpful, giving me personal and detailed coaching via the forums, emails, and even videos. I can't say enough about how much I love it!

      I tried searching YouTube for "Brett Gilbert" and "Brett Gilbert piano" and I can't seem to find you. Some dentist keeps coming up a lot. Could you send me a link to your channel?

      • Brett Gilbertnull
      • Piano and classical guitar
      • Brett_Gilbert
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips I think just clicking on the piano image in upper left of video goes to channel but link is here That dentist is not me. :) 

      Thanks for your background, very interesting.  Just like you, I stopped playing piano for decades after college and only rediscovered it a few years ago and took up guitar when the pandemic started.  Tonebase came on my radar only a few months ago and I assumed the guitar side was mostly for advanced players but I can see now it caters to a wider range.  Seeing experienced guitarist like you and watching the advanced lessons/streams gives me motivation to keep practicing,  

      Like 1
    • Brett Gilbert I just checked out your piano videos - WOW! So beautiful! And while I don't have enough knowledge of piano to make this assertion, those pieces seem quite virtuosic. I particularly loved the Chopin, and could just listen to that all day. I do have a piano in my house, and I took one semester of group lessons in college. Maybe you've inspired me to give a go at the piano!

      • Brett Gilbertnull
      • Piano and classical guitar
      • Brett_Gilbert
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Thanks Eric, the piano side of tonebase has a lot going on these days and they have some amazing artists/instructors. It's tough to keep up with both though.  If only I had more time...

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Brett Gilbert thank you so much, Brett! Sorry this took a while, but I will be featuring this in my upcoming virtual masterclass next week, on September 10th! I'm just about to make an announcement this at the top of this thread. Looking forward to this a lot!

  • Hello Mircea

    I would like to  submit Sergio Assad's 'Valseana".  This is not a perfect performance; I would like your impressions of the dynamic direction in which the piece is headed

    Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      david robinson Thank you for your submission, David! I will feature this in my next virtual masterclass on September 10th! Will make an announcement at the top of this thread within the hour. Looking forward to diving into this!

      Like 1
  • I'd like to submit Carcassi Op 60 No 24 for a masterclass. Score and video are below. Thanks!

  • Mircea

    This is a new version of 'Valseana'. I tried to incorporate the suggestions you made on the last virtual masterclass. I welcome your comments/critics.   Thanks for all you do at Tonebase! :) 

    • Gerardo
    • Gerardo
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello, I have questions about getting some dinamics into my playing which I find very lacking (among a lot of things more).


    Joao Pernambuco. Sons de carrilhoes.

    Luis Milan, Fantasia I.


    Anon. Zamba de Vargas. Arr. Eduardo Falu.


    Barrios. Choro de Saudade.

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