Carlevaro - Technique

This discussion thread is dedicated to Carlevaro's technical aspect of his work.

How to Get Started

Maestro Carlevaro introduced his technical ideas to his students by using the technical Cuadernos accompanied by the School of Guitar book.

  • School of Guitar: Exposition of Instrumental Theory
  • Didactic Serie for Guitar, Cuaderno #1 - Diatonic Scales
  • Didactic Serie for Guitar, Cuaderno #2 - Right Hand Technique
  • Didactic Serie for Guitar, Cuaderno #3 - Left Hand Technique
  • Didactic Serie for Guitar, Cuaderno #4 - Left Hand Technique (Conclusion)
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  • Barney Blaise Laflamme Moyses Lopes Since, Blaise, Moyes and I have all had experience studying with the Maestro directly or one of his students, I thought we could give some advice to Barney as he begins to explore Carlevaro's School of Guitar.  As you are doing Barney, starting with the School of Guitar book is a great first step and will provide some theoretical as well as practical guidance to your journey.  Also, be sure to check out the Alfredo Escande Tonebase workshops and Carlevaro's Masterclass Youtube video.  They can help you as well as you try to understand some of Carlevaro's terminology and concepts.  Regarding the RH approach, I would focus initially on what Carlevaro's calls Toque 1 (free stroke) and applying that to the first set of exercises in Cuaderno No 2.  As Carlevaro states in the School of Guitar, "it is preferable to begin by playing the formulae with toque No. 1 (libre)." Regarding the LH, Cuaderno No. 3, which focuses on "translations" or shifting, he states, "it is important to realize that all the work involves the development of what has been referred to as total translations, which must be performed by working the entire arm-hand complex."  He demonstrates this in the Masterclass video.  Also, regarding studying his school of technique on one's own, of course, having guidance is important, but Carlevaro also puts much stock in being both student and teacher simultaneously and finding one's own path forward.  Hopefully his wisdom and insight through his teachings and writings will help guide us all on our journeys.  

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      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Blaise Laflamme Thanks Dale!!  Problem solved by viewing C3.L7 - How to leave the strings.

      I was not releasing pressure first (while still on the string), BEFORE using the arm to create the move.  Doing this correctly results in no noise in my single note test.  Great!!

      These videos are great;  just wish they were in English, but I can't be too picky.  I appreciate that Alfredo recorded them...

    • Barney right you have to release pressure before moving or you're doing a pull off, the sound is then muted before moving.

    • Barney 👋👍

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      TBlaise Laflamme Perfect!  thanks for confirming it, Blaise!!

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles 👍👍

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles These videos by Alfredo Escande are a gem. They are all very useful and enlightening, great tip, Dale!

    • Dale Needles Ok Dale I've added the link to the resources, sorry I've been a bit busy since a week.

    • Blaise Laflamme Thanks.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Hi Dale,  What would suggest for the next grouping of exercises?


    • Barney It sounds like you are doing a great job going through the longitudinal shifts.  Since you are focusing on the LH, my suggestion would be move on to Exercises 9 - 14.  With these exercises you will practice shifting (traslados) from one string to another by "substitution."  Once you master these, you might then move on to "transversal presentation" shifts with Exercise 15 & 16 and barre shifts beginning with Exercise 17.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Thanks Dale!  I'm not sure how "great" I'm doing but will look at your next groupings.

    • Barney One more thing, there are a good descriptions of these exercises in the "School of Guitar" book in Chapter 12 - Technique of the Left Hand-First Part, Explanation for Cuaderno No. 3 - Translations (shifts).

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Thanks Dale!  Do you know of any  reliable ( based on SoG) onlinevideo  demonstrations of each exercise contained in Cuaderno No.3?

      I know only certain ones are demonstrated  by Alfredo in his videos...

    • Barney Unfortunately, I do not know of any online videos other than Alfredo's and the Carlevaro Masterclass YT video where he demonstrates some of the LH movements, particularly related to the transversal arm/hand/wrist movements.  I did post recently Exercise 86 from Cuaderno No. 3 (traslado por salto) and I believe that Blaise Laflamme and Moyses Lopes may be posting some additional exercises from Cuaderno No. 3.  

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      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Okay Dale.  I'll work with the materials that are available.  Thanks!!

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Hi Dale,   I just completed learning these up to exercise 17.  When you have a chance, please tell me what you suggest for the next group of exercises.  Thanks!!

    • Barney Great to hear that you are moving along with Cuaderno No. 3.  My suggestion is to maintain a selection of the exercises that you have gone through thus far as daily exercises so that you can develop strong muscle memory regarding the left arm movement and then proceed with exercises 18 - 22, which focus on shifts using the barre (BTW Capotasto is simply barre Spanish).  Also, you can take a look at excises 23 and & 24 which combine longitudinal and transversal shifts.  Exercise 24 is a bit challenging, but worth the effort. I am sure that I mentioned previously, but in case not, Carlevaro does a demonstration in his Masterclass Video on the transveral movement of the left arm.  Hope this helps!  

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Thanks Dale!!  What should I keep in mind as I work on the Shifts using barre?

    • Barney Use the same approach of using the left arm to lift off the strings and angle your left elbow towards your body. Alfredo also discussed the Barre in his last tonebase workshop. 

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Got it!  Thanks Dale!

  • Turning my attention to the LH, here is my favorite exercise from Cuaderno No 3, exercise 86.  This exercise/study focuses on "traslados por salto" or shifts by jumps.  

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Carlevaro was very creative and innovative, doesn't do? Great execution!

    • Moyses Lopes Thanks.  I love exercise 86 from Cuaderno No. 3. I also really like exercise 24.  Do you practice it? If so, any chance you could post it or any other exercise or formulas from the Cuadernos?  I think it is helpful to those who are beginning to explore Carlevaro's school of guitar to see samples of Carlevaro's great exercises from the Cuadernos.  

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    • Dale Needles very interesting exercise Dale, I used to do #13 and #14... I should revisit them!

      Like 1
    • Blaise Laflamme Yes, you should and post.  

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