Help me find a tremolo piece... for guitar
Hello, can anyone suggest a tremolo piece written for guitar (no transcriptions please) in the last 50 to 75 years. No Poncelike fakery, something stylistically 20th or 21st century.
Bonus points if the the composer is still alive, extra special bonus points if the composer is still alive and considered a viable composer outside of guitar literature.
I hope I'm missing some awesome pieces, can you enlighten me with any?
There is Rex Willis's Serenata del Mar (neo-Romantic) as well as Nikita Koshkin's Merlin's Dream (more firmly 20th century); Both are still alive. Joaquin Clerch has an Estudio de Tremolo that Andrea Gonzalez Caballero recorded in her first album but it isn't an exclusively tremolo piece like the aforementioned ones.
Hi! You might want to check out David Russell's workshop on tremolo on YouTube (David Russell - Workshop on tremolo technique). He does a pretty comprehensive summation of the tremolo literature including pieces like Rodrigo's 'Invocation and Dance', which is not a pure tremolo piece, but has some extensive tremolo sections. Of particular note, he played a newer piece by Ben Verdery called 'Now or Ever'. David said that Ben found "a new way of using tremolo" and that the piece took tremolo to the next level.
I don't know if this meets all of your criteria, but perhaps Benjamin Britten's arrangement of "The Shooting of his Dear"?
It's a slightly unusual tremolo, too, where i plays twice in a row to add a middle-voice harmony along with the thumb