WEEK 2: What we've experienced!!!


  1. Select Your Piece(s): Choose one or more pieces that you've learned this year. It could be something you've practiced through our live streams, a personal favorite, or a challenging piece you've conquered.
  2. Record Your Performance: Film yourself playing your selected piece(s). Quality doesn't have to be professional – it's all about sharing your progress and passion.
  3. Share Your Journey: Post your video in our community forum under the "End of the Year Challenge" thread. Include a brief write-up about your experience learning the piece – what challenges you faced, how you overcame them, and what this piece means to you. If you don't want to record yourself, show us a video of a piece you plan to take on in the next year!
  4. Engage with Others: Watch, comment, and encourage your fellow community members. Share your feedback, experiences, and celebrate each other's progress.

↓ Happy Sharing! ↓

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  • I worked on this piece for 6 months and it is not ready  now...I played it faster but now I play slower for the poetry;-). It is the second of "three forestpaintings" by Konstantin Vasiliev.

    I learned a lot about my guitar and I had to put it away to practise without instrument to get the agogic , it was hard and I thought, I would never get it, but I am on my way...

    Like 8
      • Andre Bernier
      • Retired
      • Andre_Bernier
      • 10 mths ago
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      Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz  Very nice Stefanie. It was the first time I could hear something from Konstantin Vasiliev. This is beautiful nostalgic music that benefits a lot of being played slowly. Well done, Bravo 👏👏

    • Andre Bernier thank you, I have to perform it next week and I was not sure if it is not too slow, but if it is played faster, it is totally different, not so magical...

    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz This is wonderful, Stefanie! I remember hearing Irina Kulikova play this a few years ago, and I loved it but assumed it was too difficult for us mere mortals. You are playing it very beautifully, and as you said, like poetry. Thank you for sharing!

    • Eric Phillips thank you!

      Yes, she also plays it as duo with a cellist, but she is focused on Vasilievs way to have an iceclear clarity with the strange chords and melody but roumors underneath. He hides a typical melody in the arpeggios and some urgency and Kurlikova brings out the roumors under the surface so clear. I heard an interpretation of JAN Derpreter on Siccas that I really loved. Vasiliev composed really hard pieces, but this one has typical elements and is makeable with patience. But part 3 is really over my possibilities today;-)

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      • Jim King
      • Retired
      • Jim_king
      • 10 mths ago
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      Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz What a beautiful piece.  I have not heard anything before from Vasiliev, but I can hear why you call it magical.  Thank you for sharing.

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    • Jim King thank you!

      Vasiliev also arranges classical pieces, and he does that in a way, that really teaches, how to use the fingers, very intelligent! So he has a row of books f.e. spanish masterpieces, italian, french, cuban etc, where you can study the harmonics and melody of really hard pieces in a simple version. This does not substitute working on originals, but can help to understand harmonic progress etc... he is a great composer and teacher/Didakt for our beloved instrument

    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz so evocative and poetic Stefanie!  I’ve never heard this before—thanks for the introduction to Konstantin Vasiliev.  Absolutely beautiful!  I’d love to learn it.

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    • Marilyn Blodget I often think of you while playing.

    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz Very beautiful and thanks for introducing this piece to me. 

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    • Dale Needles thank you so much

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      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 9 mths ago
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      Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz This is a very interesting piece, Stefanie. I am not familiar with it or the composer. You play this beautifully and make the music and it its emotional content very clear and expressive. Great job, and it is great to see you again.

    • Jack Stewart thank you! we share that crazy love with that beautiful instrument!!!

    • Heidi
    • Heidi
    • 10 mths ago
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    Stefanie, I can hear how much you love this music and yearn to make it your own.  That means it is happening and will continue to happen, until, one day it flows out with no thought, only its truth and authenticity.  Thank you for sharing your willingness to go to that place.

    Where can I find this music for purchase?

    • Heidi  thank you for your kind words!

      this is Konstantin Vasiliev "Forestpaintings" second part of three parts. You can check his website. The other parts are more vivid, this one is more calm

    • Carlo Martins
    • A scientist with a passion for the study of proteins
    • Carlo_Martins
    • 10 mths ago
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    Hi everyone!

    Newcomer here, just adding my first two videos. I simply recorded them with my iPhone (did not have time to finish Martin's course on recording 😁), so no edits. I could not decide which piece would better describe my year in guitar (mainly the second semester).

    The first one is a little tango by Piazzolla, the second one is a funny Capriccio by Mertz.

    Apologies, for I haven't memorized any of these two pieces (I have such a terrible memory!).

    I appreciate all comments and suggestions for improvement.

    Like 4
    • Carlo Martins Welcome, Carlo! These were both great! They both seem to require crisp rhythms, and you accomplished that very well. Just curious - are you left-handed or does your phone reverse the image?

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      • Jim King
      • Retired
      • Jim_king
      • 10 mths ago
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      Carlo Martins Welcome Carlo.  Well done.  I enjoyed both of those pieces.

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    • Carlo Martins wow, love it, both pieces I used to play but never achieved that speed, very fluent!!!! Is it Gary Ryan arrangement? love it very much.  love it!

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      • Carlo Martins
      • A scientist with a passion for the study of proteins
      • Carlo_Martins
      • 10 mths ago
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      Hi Eric Phillips ! Thank you for your kind words. In fact, both (!!!) My phone reverses the image, and I am left-handed 😄. But I play as a right-handed... This is because the very first time my uncle placed his guitar on my lap (I was 4 or 5 years old) he used the right-hand position. This was obviously a joke in the family, to see how large the guitar was for me. But the feeling was so overwhelming that I always used this position when I started to take guitar classes some years later. I still feel the same way, every time I hold the guitar on my lap, and I am a child again!

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      • Carlo Martins
      • A scientist with a passion for the study of proteins
      • Carlo_Martins
      • 10 mths ago
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      Jim King , thank you! My next goal is to start editing the audio. Let's see how this goes.

      • Carlo Martins
      • A scientist with a passion for the study of proteins
      • Carlo_Martins
      • 10 mths ago
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      Hi Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz ! Yes, indeed, Gary Ryan's arrangements, from the Trinity book n6. I wish I could memorize them and avoid those annoying page turns 😕

    • Carlo Martins In such cases I tape the turned page as copy into the book, so you can see both pages, sometimes make three out of it, works good. Most pieces are longer...

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      • Andre Bernier
      • Retired
      • Andre_Bernier
      • 10 mths ago
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      Carlo Martins  Bravo Carlo, well done. 👏 I love Tango a lot.

      And welcome to Tonebase a safe place for those (like me) that makes a lot of mistakes 😂

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      • Carlo Martins
      • A scientist with a passion for the study of proteins
      • Carlo_Martins
      • 10 mths ago
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      Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz This is a great suggestion. Thank you for this. I have been trying to make up my mind on buying an ipad with a pedal that I could use to turn the pages. Not sure yet, and your strategy seems to be promising. Many thanks!

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