READ ME FIRST: Rules & FAQ for the End-Of-The-Year Community Concert Challenge!

I am super excited to bring back TWO wonderful community activities at once: The Community Challenge and the Community Concert! For one month, we will focus on improving the pieces we want to play for each other TOGETHER and help each other to get to the next level!

The What:

  • We are going to focus on bringing one piece to concert level!
  • The aim is to practice them daily and post regular progress updates!
  • You choose how much time you will invest, but you commit to practicing them regularly.
  • A Community Concert featuring YOU! (date below!)

The When:

  • Challenge start: Thursday, Dec 1st
  • Holiday Community Concert: Dec 17th, 11am PST (Holiday Version together with Piano and Violin)
  • End-of-the-Year Concert: Dec 29th, 11am PST

The Fun Part:

  • At the end of our practice challenge, we will host two Community Concerts on tonebase LIVE
  • This is planned for Dec 17th and Dec 29th, 11 am Pacific 


Can I join the challenge if I wasn't there on Dec 5th?

Yes! Make sure you keep practicing daily and updating us at least twice a week.

I have a question, who do I ask?

Feel free to use this thread to ask any questions about this challenge! If you would prefer to ask something in a more confidential setting, please use my email: [email protected]

Can I do more than one piece for this challenge?

Absolutely! As always, this challenge is for you - do with it what you wish. As long as you 1) practice every day; 2) keep track of your progress; 3) share your progress with others - you are fully participating! 

↓ Reply with other questions below ↓

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  • What a good idea to close 2022! 🎉

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme It's gonna be a lot of fun! And then we're getting ready to dive into the Landslag again in 2023!

      Like 2
    • martin Awesome, that'd be a great start for opening 2023!

    • Emmanull
    • Emma
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hello! Does it need to be a new piece? 

    • Robert
    • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
    • Robert
    • 1 yr ago
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    This is a great idea! I plan to participate, hope to have enough time for that. But: that is part of the challenge. 🙂

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 1 yr ago
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      Robert Exactly, happy practicing!!

    • Robert you can select easier pieces to ensure the lack of time won't affect your progress too much? Or just bring up some old music you learned and put in back in your fingers!

  • I would love to do the challenge, so sad I have to work in the evening december 29th, :-( . I missed the challenges, and try to participate

    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz nothing prevents you to participate and share your progress on your selected pieces without performing on the last concert, and you still can perform on the 17th. I hope to listen to you over the month!

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      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz Absolutely, please don't let  this stop you from participating in the challenge! You can still have a lot of fun along the way! Making music is about enjoying the journey, not trying to reach a goal! ♥🔥

      Like 1
    • martin jaaaa

    • Blaise Laflamme that is exactly what I thought, I will try...thank youu!

  • Great idea I’m in

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 1 yr ago
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      Vilio Celli GREAT!

  • I’m in

  • That’s a great initiative . I’ll be in as well.

    • Jim King
    • Retired
    • Jim_king
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi.  I'm just new to the site and just beginning to play classical guitar.  Currently working on the Beginner's Guitar Course Part 1.  Obviously too soon to participate in a challenge.  Just wondering if it is okay to come to the end concerts and watch the performances.

    • Jim King  Grigol Benidze Usually you don't have to perform in the concert itself if you don't want, at some point Martin asks about who wants to play and the slots are quickly filled up.

      Like 1
      • Jim King
      • Retired
      • Jim_king
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Thank you for the response.  Great idea.  Will be there to watch the performances. 

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jim King Blaise Laflamme Exactly what Blaise said! We have very limited spots for the concert on the 17th as we want to invite our fellow members from Violin and Piano, too! 

  • Hi there. It`s a great idea, and I`m trying to find time to practice every day but sometimes it doesn`t work due to lack of time. My question is - If I participate do I need to play on the live concert? I`m actually jazz guitarist and I study classic guitar additionally as I love it and find it very useful, but I`m not sure if I`m good enough to play classics on the concert :) 

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 1 yr ago
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      Grigol Benidze Hi Grigol, you don't need to participate in the concert, you can also just practice with us, share recordings of your piece, and join the show as a viewer!

      Like 1
    • martin Hi Martin, thank you, got it! I`ll join the challenge! Cheers :) 

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