Composing Etudes: Kick-off

It's time for another composition challenge! Get your manuscript paper, pencils (or pens if you're chaotic like that!) and your notation software cuz it is TIME. TO. WRITE!


Ever been learning a piece that keeps giving you trouble in "this one spot" or had a young student that needed music to learn a specific technique but there aren't many studies available at their level? I certainly have, and I know many other guitarists with the same problems. So, we write! For ourselves and for others.


This community challenge will help you gain experience writing pedagogical material for yourself, your students, or just "because." Writing in a utilitarian sense is not only great for developing the classical guitar's repertoire, but also to help identify problem areas and create an artistic experience in the aims of improving as a player. 


In this kickoff stream we will go over possibilities of technical areas to improve while looking at examples pulled from guitar repertoire that address these areas. After the stream, I would like everyone to post something about their playing they struggle with or would like to improve upon and then use those suggestions as prompts for your sketches that week. We will go over your sketches in the second week "Feedback." 


Looking forward to hearing everyone's ideas again! 

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    • Jack Stewart
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    • Jack_Stewart
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have never been learning a piece that keeps giving you trouble in "this one spot" - it is always in "these many spots".

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jack Stewart me trouble...

      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jack Stewart I'm with you there Jack!

  • Greetings all! Really exited to share some composition with everyone Ashley’s last composition challenge was a wonderful experience- I was blown away by everyone’s creativity commitment and kindness towards each other. 
    I love the idea of etudes challenge the ‘Lost Etude’ was such a fun last time.

    The Assad and Koskin etudes commissioned by tonebase have been truly insightful and inspirational. I was especially taken by Assad’s use of chords and the opportunity to improvise on the progression with suggested scales. Also Koskins use of harmonics on his study 9 was ethereal and beautiful i would love to be able to write something for my students  feeding of this inspiration.

    Sharpening my pencil for tonight.

    One love

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