What is your favorite time of day to practice and why? 

Any early morning practicers here? ️
Any night owls?
Perhaps the afternoon is just the right time for you!
Noticing when you practice best can be great for learning how to practice efficiently and have the most fun!
What are some things that have helped you figure this out? Let us know in the comments so we can all learn from each other!
I'm a morning person every morning because I can do that to start my day. I have energy it puts me in the right mood for my work day and I make progress. I'm not always consistent when I come home from work but when I do I really love it too. On the weekends I stay with the morning routine but then also sometimes I just play for an hour or longer, here and there, throughout the day on the weekend. If I waited for the weekends, I wouldn't make as much progress or enjoy myself nearly as much. Thanks for the question!
This is a good question. I've been thinking about it and here it is:
I practice short exercises throughout the afternoon, then I'll go to a favorite piece. I have to stop before 5 pm to let my muscles relax or they'll tighten up at 3 AM. I am a senior player so I don't have the pleasure to practice in the late hours of the night (I've tried it). I usually start at 1 pm, practice for 20-30 minutes, then take 10 minutes breaks or so after each session. What I am really trying to achieve is "ease of action", stated by Ricardo Iznaola as well emphasize by many teachers. That's about it.
Until a whole-note later, I'll see you folks.
Hi. I practice several times per day in short sessions. When I work on a new piece, that will be in the evening when the pets are quiet. Some practices are longer than others and I never set a time or duration. Morning, lunch, afternoon and evening are all good and I notice I play better or smoother as each short practice progresses.