Barney beautiful sound Barney! I couldn't hear it til now. Great! and so quick the first part!!!!! it is normal to go down with the tempo in the second part when it is played so quick at the beginning...David Russel did the same. Yepes was doing the opposite, played it slower in tempo from the beginning and continued with the same tempo in the second part...interesting.I think he is playing it also with the campanella effect...otherwise we could not hear the legato let's say of all the notes. The version of David Russell it is with the digitation of Pujol all the piece (I think), by sure the redobles of the 1. part.
You know nails from i, m and p are m finger almost no nail.....I will talk to Martin....because my sound is awful ..but I would like to play anyway on saturday (I can not on the 4rd), I was practicing a lot.... and the challenge is there....what do you think? and you Eric @Eric ?