Buzz Gravell: Intro to the Fretless Classical Guitar
Hello everybody, it is November and the perfect time to discover new aspects of your instrument in the cozy comfort of your home!
Ever wondered, how your guitar would sound like without frets and what musical possibilities that would bring? And wouldn't be that the true form as the guitar being a descendant from the Arabian lute, the oud? I am super excited to dive into that topic with Buzz Gravell, a leading player of the fretless classical guitar!
Join Buzz Gravelle, a leading player and proponent of the fretless classical guitar. He will play musical examples on the fretless guitar, discusses its history, its uniqueness, challenges, what it does well (and what its limitations are), and its future.
We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have on this topic?
- Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
Forum questions will be answered first!
Please be advised that this livestream will start at 12am PT! Make sure to find the right start time for your timezone, I typically use thise timezone converter:
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