Week 1: Setting Sails! ⛵

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first  week of the "Music YOU Love" practice challenge! 

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  • Hand - Elegy for a King (Mar 7)

    Well, here is a very rough recording of the entire piece. Sorry that I am a bit out of tune (I think my second and third strings went a bit sharp). There are too many problem spots to list here, but certainly measures 13-20 still need lots of work, but also the four measures right after the harmonics. When I first heard the piece, I thought the measures with harmonics would be a huge challenge, but they turned out to be more manageable than I thought.

    Oh yeah, the ending was not too good. It feels like I'm groping around a lot there, but I think with some practice I can get it down.

    Step by step ...

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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Great progress Eric. This is really coming together nicely. As you were playing I was wondering what image you might have for the final music video. 😀 Maybe some AI artwork of some hands or something? But, they've got to be hands with really stretched out fingers! 😄

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    • Steve Pederson Thanks, Steve! Yes, a lot of difficult stretches in this.

  • Not sure I can make the kick-off, but I'll tackle Andrew York's Squares Suspended, unsure if the title has any bearing to his mathematics background. I find the piece haunting, with plenty of space for expression. 


    Here is a video of bars 1-15 with errors. I should be able to tackle this in a month.

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Michael Shirk Great beginning. Michael. I don't know this work so I don't know what's to come, but you have a very good grasp of it so far. I'm looking forward to seeing your next posting of it.

      Oh yes, and welcome. It's always good to see new faces.

    • Michael Shirk Great start, Michael, and good to have you join in. I’ve heard the piece and enjoy it very much, but I have never played it.

    • Michael Shirk Great Michael, I hope you'll manage to play it all by then end of the challenge... York is definitely one of my favorites ❤️

    • Blaise Laflamme I saw on your youtube site that he endorsed your playing of one of his pieces. 

      That's a high compliment indeed. It was a very nice recording you did  and well deserved.

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    • Michael Shirk Thanks Michael, yes he contacted me to collaborate with him and record his Quebec Suite (you can watch 2 out of 10 I already recorded) on his YT channel or in a playlist on mine. Those are more advanced stuff than the miniatures, he has a lot of music written for almost any level!

    • Michael Shirk  This is the first time I hear this piece. This is so beautiful. Well done Michael.

    • Michael Shirk good start. I don't know the price but it sounds very Andre's York- and your playing is good. Looking forward for the updates 

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael Shirk As said Eric, good start, Michael, and nice to have you join in this challenge. Like many others, I don't know the piece but you play it really beautifully! Thanks for sharing!

  • I thought I'd use this challenge as a motivation to refine and perfect a new composition written in the Afro Peruvian rhythm of landó.  My first video has a cajón loop in the background to mark the 12/8 rhythm.  I look forward to this opportunity and checking out the other postings here.  This is a fragment of the first two minutes with a few rough spots...

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      • David Krupka
      • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
      • David_Krupka
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Tomas Rodriguez Wow! What an interesting composition! Is it your own? Very fine playing too - if there were some rough spots I missed them. Looking forward to hearing more!

    • Tomas Rodriguez Bravo, Tomas. Love the playing and the composition. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the site.

    • Tomas Rodriguez This is incredible, Tomas! It's wonderful to have you join in.

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    • Tomas Rodriguez Awesome! Fluid playing and sound... I'm happy you joined in, I hope to hear more of what you're doing 💪

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    • Tomas Rodriguez Very nice!  Is this an original composition of yours?  I really love Afro-Latino rhythms and was not familiar with the Afro-Peruvian lando rhythm.  Loved it!  I plan to post a couple of pieces during the Challenge, showcasing the Afro-Latino Candombe rhythm, popular in Uruguay.  

    • Tomas Rodriguez super. Thank you for sharing. A real discovery 

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    • Tomas Rodriguez very entertaining Tomas. The use of the background loop also adds some atmosphere to the piece. Thanks for sharing.

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    • Tomas Rodriguez I really enjoyed your piece!  I’m assuming it’s your composition. Does it have a name?  A very danceable rhythm. My toes are tapping!

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Tomas Rodriguez That is tremendous, Tomas. Your composition is great s is your performance. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

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    • David Krupka Thank you David. Yes, it is my own composition.

    • Marilyn Blodget Yes, this is a dance rhythm in Peru, related to the festejo and Afro Peruvian rhythms.  It is my own composition entitled "Landó para Maite"

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    • Andre Bernier Thank you Andre, I am afraid that this piece may not work with out percussion.  We will find out...

    • Jack Stewart thank you Jack.

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