By Candlelight - Andrew York

Tonebuddies, I first learned this piece for the last «End Of The Year» concert and roughly played it then... This piece has recently taken on a different meaning for me...

«In tribute to my mother, a timely and very personal interpretation of this beautiful piece of music written by Andrew York and colored by my intense and contradictory emotions following her recent death.»

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  • I am so sorry to hear about your mother, Blaise! Your playing here is so moving, and wherever she is, I believe she can hear you play this.

    Like 1
  • Blaise, what a beautiful tribute. 

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    • Francoise
    • Francoise
    • 4 mths ago
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    Bravo Blaise, quel bel hommage ! What a nice piece! Françoise from Ste-Adele, Qc

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  • Beautifully done, a challenging piece but you found your way into the heart of it, very emotive. Bravo!

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    • Peternull
    • Peter.5
    • 1 mth ago
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    Very nicely done, perfect tribute piece.

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  • Beautifully done my friend.  Sorry for your loss, been there, felt that.  A nice tribute to your mom, and to yourself through your grief.

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