Warm Up Your Mind and Fingers in One Hour

Ever feel like your warm-up routines last too long or too short? Or maybe you have run out of ideas on how to fully prepare yourself physically and mentally for a satisfying practice session. One hour of warm-up is a great middle ground and gives both your hands and your mind enough time to readjust to the guitar and the language of music in general. Join Ashley Lucero as she walks you through her favorite warm up exercises that you can accomplish in just an hour before moving on to enjoying your repertoire practice.

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    • Tony Gunia
    • Retired IT Java App Server Administrator
    • Tony_Gunia
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Great session today Ashley!  Very helpful to have these warmup routines to use going forward.  Thanks again.

    • Nicolas
    • Nicolas.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi Ashley, Thank you again for your live session. When I'm using "i" & "m" fingers during my warm up, my "a" finger along with my pinkie finger curls inwards towards my palm and can feel the tension building up in that area. I stop and give myself a chance for the fingers to relax before recommencing. This is an ongoing issue and was wondering if you could give me some advice on strategies to help with this.

    Many thanks

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