Interactive Practice Room: Mindful Warmup

Join Ashley for an interactive warm-up session as she shares essential exercises she uses to maintain a healthy relationship with both hands through mindfulness and discipline. Positive side-effects include decreased tension, fuller sound, finer tuned control, increased speed, and more!
Please find a way to archive all your presentations. I have come back to watch the webinars when I am free. I have found these last webinars with Ashley and Martin to be very valuable. I don’t know how you keep stats after the live presentations, but please know these are not wasted even if there is not a high turnout at the moment. , Scheduling will always be an issue for some. It is so helpful to see them later when it is possible. Please find a way to archive them to keep them all available. Trust me, in this instance It has been a real joy to be able see the episodes ( in this instance Baden Powell and Pujol, Tarrega and Vivladi) when my schedule allows. With lessons, there is little feedback in the moment where the webinars and masterclasses provide an opportunity for issues that may not be covered in the canned lessons.
you both and many others on Tonebase have brought such joy into my life with your enthusiasm. Please don’t lose that and know truly how appreciative I am for your help with infusing life into into music and much much more.my deepest Thank you.
Ron Halina