Xuefei Yang: Capricho árabe

Join us for an exclusive live session featuring the world-renowned classical guitarist Xuefei Yang as she delves into the intricate beauty of Francisco Tárrega's masterpiece, "Capricho Árabe." In this session, Xuefei Yang will share insights into her interpretation and technique and answer your questions in a live Q&A segment.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and appreciation of this iconic piece of guitar music. This webinar promises to be an inspiring and educational experience!

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    • Mike
    • Mike
    • 4 mths ago
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    Perfect timing! I'm currently learning this beautiful masterpiece.

    Like 1
  • I am not sure if I will be able to watch live, so I'd like to ask you here to give your thoughts on fingering (both left and right hand) in two places:

    • The rising chromatic scale in measures 34-35
    • The falling sextuplet run in measure 43 (I like to play it mostly on the 2nd string)

    Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing all of your thoughts on this great piece!

    • martin Very enjoyable and useful discussion. Thank you for asking my questions.

  • Hi all and Martin! How can we get Xuefei's score? Thanks!

    • Vladimir Paskaljevic (I mean score with Xuefei's fingerings...? Thanks!)

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