WEEK 2: The Depths of J.S.Bach's Music! 🐳

Welcome to the Main Thread for the second week of the J.S.Bach Challenge! This is the place to post submissions of the second week!

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    • Olli
    • Mr. Pizza
    • Saitenzwirbler
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Dear Community, as mentioned at the beginning of this challenge, my goal ist to bring BWV998 back to live - I played it in 2009 and it was really challenging. Too much challenging, so I never practiced on it again all over the years. Next week Friday I will have a guitar lesson by Martin Martin and I had the idea to use this Sunday to record the whole BWV 998 Suite on which I am practicing now again for about three weeks. So Martin can also have a look at it and help me to improve. I tried to let the recordings flow and also tried to bring much musicality into it. (at least I hope so ) Sometimes I need to restart a passage, because my memory went empty or the fingers played the wrong notes 😂. So, this is the BWV998 Prelude  - on practicing... (the screw of my microphone-holder gets loose and one mic of the Blumlein-Setting turned to the sound hole - the left channel is much louder than the right channel - I fixed this problem before recording the Allegro .... sorry 🙈)

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Olli Beautiful, Olli! We have a lot of possibilities in Bach's compositions, no? I loved the way you phrase, I'll look forward to your lesson with Martin. I'll be there! Bravo!

    • Olli congratulations Olli ! you play it already very clean and brillant!

      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Olli Way to make it sing Olli! 

    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hello Bach Buddies! 

    Here's my week two submission of Prelude Cello Suite BWV 1007 practicing measures 1-28, so I'm two thirds of the way there   😀


    The hardest part in this second section was measures 20-22 because of the right hand fingering. For the rest of the section I find the right hand fingerings, stolen from Sanel Redzic, to be particularly challenging. In measures 25 and 27 he does a three note sweep with the i finger. Not hard to do but to keep in mind and remember to do it. I am starting to see the benefit of doing it although it's not something I would have thought of to do myself. 


    Forgive the flub at measure 13. I had a memory lapse because I'm trying to memorize it while learning it. Overall it needs more flow and fingers need to be more consistent in a few places but I'm continuing to practice sections slowly with repetition. 

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Debbie That is great, Debbie. You have a very solid grasp of these measures. Your progress has been excellent. You will have this by the end of the challenge.

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      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Debbie wow - your recording sounds very floating 👍😉 ( I hope this is the correct word the translator told me ...) Bach pieces are so challenging and every piece needs so much attention ! The less notes are written, the more we have to take care to do the correct things - but what are the correct things ? This is alway hard to find out. I am 100% sure - Bach would be proud to hear us play his compositions on our guitars - that haven't existed at Bachs lifetime 😋

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    • Debbie Beautiful, Debbie! You give such care to each note.

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    •   Debbie The Prelude is developing very well.  Clarity of voices really coming through.

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    • Debbie sorry haven’t heard the first recording , but definitely this one is really beautiful. Great sound and the echo effect is so well done , very natural. I also love the solid pulse all through the piece. Looking forward to the continuation…

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jack Stewart thanks Jack. Here’s hoping 🤞🏻 

      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Olli thanks Olli! I like the word - floating 😁

      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips thanks Eric!

      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Rick Lord tRick Lord that’s good to hear. Thanks Rick!

      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 2 yrs ago
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      joosje thanks Joosje! I’m glad to hear the reverb sounds natural and isn’t too much.

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Debbie Beautiful! Very expressive! I loved, IMO all you need is time, brava!

      • Wainull
      • Wai_Ng
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Debbie Sounds great! the phrasing was really good and the flow was so smooth!

      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Debbie great work! After trying to take on this piece myself, I have a tremendous amount of respect for what you've been able to accomplish here. Keep up the momentum! 

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    • Olli
    • Mr. Pizza
    • Saitenzwirbler
    • 2 yrs ago
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    BWV 998 Fuge - on practicing

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Olli To have presented both the Fugue and the Allegro is amazing! And both are so well along! Bravo!!!

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      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jack Stewart thank you for listening to it and your Kindly words 👍👂

    • Olli Really beautiful, Olli! I'm guessing your left hand is a bit sore at the end of playing that?

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    • Olli Bravo indeed!  Very solid and sensitive playing of this difficult piece!

    • Olli bravo. Well done. It’s so hard to connect the melodic lines in this fugue . You are doing a great job already. It’s hard working this one. 

      Like 1
      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Thank god if have no more problems with my left Hand - My hands gets tired after playing the Fuge again and again - needed 10 recordings to come through the Fuge 😂

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      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 2 yrs ago
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      joosje thank you for your kind words. I really tried to connect as good as possible, but the piece will need very much additional time to become "light" and "smooth" ...

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