Happy New Year to the whole tonebase Guitar community!

As much we may love the guitar, it’s not so easy to set goals and stay committed to realizing them over the course of a year… at least, it’s not so easy to do this alone, which is how I often try (and fail) to undertake such goals.

That’s why I’ve created this thread. Here is a place for anyone and everyone in the tonebase community to come up with your individual guitar-related New Year’s resolutions and support each other in our efforts to realize them.


  1. Make a post below to announce your guitar-goals for the new year,
  2. over the coming days, weeks, and months, use the sub-thread of your own post to keep us all updated on your progress (videos encouraged!)
  3. and in the meantime, scroll through to read each other’s resolutions and click “reply” to offer advice or words of encouragement.


  • Please try to keep conversations within sub-threads, and only make a single new post to share your resolutions. This will help keep the mega-thread clean so we can navigate more easily and check in on each other.
  • Keep in mind that there are people of all ages and ability levels in the tonebase community, so if you’re one of the more advanced ones don’t gloat about it, and if you’re a novice don’t be shy.
  • If you don’t want to share your goals, you’re still welcome to comment on other members’ thread.


  • I will go first! Lately, I have been very occupied with teaching and recording, but from February on I will be able to dedicate more time to my personal projects. I recently found an old concert program of mine, which included pieces like the Grand Ouverture by Giuliani, multiple solo pieces by Barrios and Mertz, BWV 997, Torroba's Sonatina and Regondi's Introduction et Caprice.
    • I resolve to re-visit old pieces and discover new pieces, alternating every month to build a solo concert repertoire.
    • I resolve to have at least 30min of concert repertoire ready by the end of the year
    • To get there, I resolve to practice the piece a minimum of 30 minutes every weekday.
    • I commit to mindful practice, enjoying playing the piece slowly and carefully and always listening.


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  • Nice initiative! I spent this last day of 2022 (such a painful year this was!) without touching my guitar and

    1) I promise myself to allow one day of the week like that, and be confident that my technique will not suffer from that relaxation.
    2) I promise also to keep always a 30 minute or so repertoire more or less ready-for-concert and prepare not more than 2 new pieces at the time to bring them up to performance level. If I have more time I can read through some new repertoire or relearn/ revise old repertoire,

    3) Be less ambitious (don’t try to play so many different pieces, just because everyone is playing them) , but at the same time be more ambitious (learn longer and more challenging pieces, just because they are meaningful to me) it’s all about making the right choices, by far not the easiest task….

    Wishing you all an inspiring 2023

    Like 7
      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      joosje Great, Joosje! It looks like your strengths and weaknesses are clear to you, and it is really important, don't do? I'll look forward to hearing your achievements. Happy and prolific 2023!

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
    • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
    • Lars_KjollerHansen
    • 1 yr ago
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    Happy new guitar-year everybody.

    I am a noodler who uses guitar play much to relaxation and sort of meditation from a busy work and family life and I often take many days without guitar and then a binge a couple of days a months often hurting my hands. I will not be able to really change these bad habits by now.

    Resolutions will help me focus more though, I hope, because I usually reach my goals when I have spoken them out (gloat?), usually more later than sooner.


    2023 Resolutions

    Record , satisfactory to me:

    • EntireTurina Sonata op61 , preferably in one shot 
    • In a sentimental Mood , Ellington ,  arr Vieaux
    • Gracias a la vida, Parra , arr E Sowiecz

    Aim to record

    • Fantasia, R Gerhard

    Focus more on technique, there are so many excellent courses , and 14 days challenges on Tonebase. Starting on

    • Improve my fast scale playing , try AMI , Matt Palmer 


    Thank you

    Lookin forward to hear your progress and fulfillment of resolutions in the new year


    Like 3
    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen I’m happy to read you and commit to yourself some goals, I hope to hear you more here over the year!

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen I remember you played the first movement of the Turina and I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the rest of the Sonata and the Gerhard as well. Good luck in the coming year.

      • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
      • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
      • Lars_KjollerHansen
      • 1 yr ago
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      There is this saying that if a man says he will do something in the house, he will do it, his wife needs not remind him in 6 months.

      This is my 6 months fulfillment of new year resolutions.

      of course it is  imperfect and sort of embarrassing , but this is real life.

      And then why publish it, ...because it puts more pressure on me during the recoridng

      First  and only shot , no real  warm up , Just go for it sitting uncomfortable after turning the recording on and reseating.. but tuning the guitar and polishing  nails is not so forgivable

      I have some concentration and memory slips, the 3. movement I actually find usually the easiest.. no awkward stretches and normally I don't blow the fast scales but the memory slip at the start took me of the path

      Though I think I will get them during the next 6 months.


      Thank you and have a nice second half of 2023

      Like 1
      • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
      • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
      • Lars_KjollerHansen
      • 1 yr ago
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      Half new year  resolution.. Turina sonata op61-

      One shot. as is my goal..

      Follow-up half new year resolution after a few days training in my,, finally I got,, vacation

      • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
      • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
      • Lars_KjollerHansen
      • 1 yr ago
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      Yet another update Turina Sonata- Halfnew year resolution.

      Probably no-one will notice - but the one shot stress recordings for publication hopeful will help pn performance stress

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen what a piece and an impressive work you've done on it, bravo! 💪 I understand your point for 1 take but I would personally do this once I've reached concert performance level 😅

      • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
      • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
      • Lars_KjollerHansen
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme thank you, I tend , strongly, to think you are right. But for now I have chosen to take all steps simultaneously, just to try,  which of course make stumbling very likely😉

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen nothing better than to try and see the outcome and then adapt to ensure a proper progress!

  • To enjoy making music on the guitar and lute.

    Like 7
    • Eric Phillips what you already do very well 💪

      Like 2
      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 1 yr ago
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      Hi to all,

      I wish all of you a nice, peaceful and prosperous New Year 2023! 

      All your plans, written down here, are motivating me to write down here some aspects or goals I would like to focus on this year:

      As a prerequisite, more a wish than a plan: health in shoulders and arms 🙂; this will have impact on the realization of the following points (some/all/even more).

      1. Landslög Challenge
      2. participate in other tonebase Challenges, 2 week intensives, and also watching tonebase Videos
      3. improve tremolo; and in general doing technical exercises regularly for keeping LH and RH in shape or even further improve them
      4. 1-2 pieces by Matthew Dunne, for example one "Jazz Etude" or Miniatures
      5. 1-2 more Castles of Spain by Torroba
      6. keep "old" pieces on a (very) good level (for example: Cavatina by Stanley Myers), and also keep working on pieces which I was working on in the past (for example: 3rd movement of Barrios' La Catedral)
      7. Estudio sin Luz (Segovia)
      8. going to Baroque: Bach/Scarlatti/Weiss and/or a piece by Kellner
      9. maybe starting a piece by Manuel Ponce like Etude E Major or a Gigue
      10. maybe starting a piece by Nikita Koshkin like Usher Waltz
      11. ...

      I like this community and the videos and discussions here at tonebase so much! Great stuff throughout the years...!

      Like 1
  • I want to be more relaxed and more content, and yes, I am always practising, I never just play, that I want to change. I made a little collection of 5-6 peaces just to play from the score or to refresh and among those there is one peace I am learning or studying. I have now a bundle of such collections(9) and after working on my peace, I just play some of those peaces out of this collection to have myself a nice evening. The peaces I study are in some of these collections so that they appear in several combinations. I am with Eric, I want to enjoy the playing and not be so hard and critical  about it. And I want to make all the lessons on tonebase I bookmarked, but as I am working, I will need Lifetime, so I took tonebase for  lifetime;-)

    I wish you all a happy and healthy new year and lots of fun making or listening to music

    Like 4
  • Hi All, 

    The past year has been very rewarding for me as far as the guitar is concerned and I really appreciate the community that Tonebase has created and all the great lessons and challenges they offer.


    As far as my new year's resolution,  mine is as follows:

    1. Continue to average at least two and half hours per day of focused practicing.

    2. Improving my technique through working on Carlevaro's School of Guitar and taking advantage of many of the Tonebase lessons.

    3.  Master to the best of my ability Abel Carlevaro's "Intoduccion y Capricho" and Astor Piazzolla's "Adios Nonino" arranged by Agustin Carlevaro. 

    4.  And my biggest challenge is to attempt Abel Carlevaro's most important solo guitar piece, his guitar sonata "Cronomias."


    Have a happy and healthy New Year!

    Like 5
    • Dale Needles I'm looking forward to hear more Carlevaro music from you this year, I never heard his Sonata, you piqued my curiosity!

    • Blaise Laflamme If you have not heard "Cronomias" before, check out Eduardo Fernandez live performance of it on YouTube. Eduardo Fernandez was one of Carlevaro's Uruguayan students and his live performance of it is masterful.  I truly believe that "Cronomias" is Carlevaro's most important solo work. 

    • Dale Needles thanks for the reference, I'll check that out!

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Great, Dale! Very ambitious resolutions! Adios Nonino and Cronomias, you'll have a lot to do! Keep us updated, if possible! Have a great and guitaristic 2023!

    • Moyses Lopes Thanks.  I am also working on finishing up on the complete set of the Preludios Americanos with only Scherzino remaining to relearn.  BTW, if have not seen it posted, Alfredo Escande, a friend of mine and Carlevaro's longtime assistant will be giving a Tonebase workshop on Friday.  I hope you can make it.  

      Like 1
      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles , thank you for letting me know, Dale. For sure it will be a great opportunity, I'll be there! A great goal you have with the Preludios Americanos, it's an amazing set of beautiful pieces. I studied the Campo and the Scherzino, many years ago, maybe it's time to polish them again. See you on Friday!

  • Happy New Year 2023 everyone! May this new year bring you a lot of health and happiness from inside or outside the guitar world.

    My New Year resolution:


    1. To play La Catedral Allegro Solemn fluently and with musicality at 107 bpm. Right now I am at around <100bpm

    2. To play Recuerdos de la Alhambra at 110-115bpm with ease, no tension. Right now I am ~100-105bpm

    3. To learn 4 new pieces 

    4. To compose 3 new pieces of my own.

    Like 3
    • Khiem Nguyen great goals you have for 2023, I'm impressed by your rapid progress in such a short time, I can't wait to see (and hear) this year! 

      Like 1
    • Blaise Laflamme thank you for your kind words, Blaise. 

      Like 1
      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Khiem Nguyen Great 2023 for us, Khiem! Looking forward to hearing your new compositions!

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