READ AND FAQ: Practice Plan Challenge! 💪

🎼 Embrace Your Musical Evolution with the Practice Plans Challenge! 🎼

Are you ready to revolutionize your practice routine and elevate your playing to new heights? Our latest feature, the Practice Plans, is designed to bring structure, focus, and fresh insight to your musical journey. This month, we're thrilled to launch a community challenge that not only celebrates your dedication but also showcases the transformative power of personalized practice.

🌟 Challenge: Share your practice plan and a piece you're working on!

🎸 Who's Invited? All Community Members

📆 Duration: Now until March 6th!

📺 Watch Party: On March 6th at 9 am PST, we will watch beautiful submissions from this challenge!

Here's How to Participate:

  1. Dive Into the Practice Plans: Start by exploring our new Practice Plans feature. Use the self-evaluation quiz to identify areas of potential growth.

  2. Screenshot Your Plan: Capture a screenshot of your chosen Practice Plan. This will be your commitment snapshot—a before picture of the journey you're about to embark on.


  3. Share a piece you are currently working on: Alongside your screenshot, let us know how you implement the newly discovered exercises in your practice. Share a piece of your choice that you’re currently working on!

  4. Update your Practice Plan: If you have completed the recommended videos in your Practice Plan, retake the quiz to update your recommendations!

  5. Share Your Journey: Post your video in our community forum under the "Practice Plans Challenge" thread. Include a brief write-up about your experience learning the piece – what challenges you faced, how you overcame them, and what this piece means to you.

To summarize: First, take the quiz and then take a screenshot to share it with your fellow challengers. Afterward, share a piece that you are currently working on!

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit your entry to our community platform, including both the initial screenshot and your written context.
  • Make sure to update the community with your piece progress and final reflections by the challenge deadline.

Let's Celebrate Our Musical Growth Together!

Remember, this challenge is about celebrating your journey, growth, and the beautiful community we've built together. Every participant, regardless of skill level, is a vital part of this celebration. Let's make these last days of the year resonate with the music we've all worked so hard on!

🎶 Join the challenge and let your music shine! 🌟

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    • Aaron Prillaman
    • Just play guitar everyday and have fun.
    • Aaron.1
    • 8 mths ago
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    Hi everyone! I have a concert coming up on March 5th, and I am working on the Saudade No. 3 by Roland Dyens for that concert. I have played the piece before, but I haven't performed it for a few years and it needs work. I look forward to working through these recommendations.

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