WEEK THREE: The Destination!

Welcome to the Main Thread for the third and last week of the Sergio Assad Community Challenge! 

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  • Sketch VII AGAIN! I keep working on this. This time I played the whole thing (not without a few stops). It was my first and only take - I promised myself not to do more than one.

    What was easy: I definitely feel more confident with the chord changes, and the rhythm in the earlier variations I think is a little clearer.

    What was difficult: The mixed meters and polyrhythms of the later variations are still a bit murky for me. 🤪🥴

    By the way, the clicking sound around 1:50 is my dog walking across the hard floor in the room next to me. 🐶

    Like 4
    • Martin Thanks, Martin. Those last two variations are still pretty bad. Good catch on the pinky - I put it on the third string instead of the second string.

    • Eric Phillips good work eric... those rythmes are not easy to sound flowing and you almost make all of them go right... I'm impressed... you're very close 👍 

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    • Blaise Laflamme Thank you, Blaise!

      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips I think you're too hard on yourself! This was really amazing! I have not ventured into this sketch yet. From what I understand it's pretty difficult, and you make it look easy. I'd say another day or two with it and you could post to YouTube as a "This is how it's done" video. BTW - what's your dog's name? 

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    • Steve Pederson Thanks Steve. His name is Lamar. It's a long and not very interesting story!

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  • Greetings

    Sketch 2 really got me pulling some faces - I am enjoying myself though I promise. I found recording it hard - I must have been hungry because the accented quavers on the 'agitato' section went back to front and messy so I lost my flow. On this take I just about got my accented quavers switched back round but I can see some repeating RH fingers again, and my glissando is over the top, and it all feels forced. Interested to hear what you wonderful people think.

    I found it easy to practice - these studies are so gorgeous.

    Hope to drop sketch IV shortly.

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    • Jaime Zaldua I thought that was great, Jaime! The A section was lush and beautiful. There were a few notes cut short, but it was still lovely to listen to. I think you did a great job on the B section as well. I can't tell what right hand fingering you are using for the repeated pattern. I use piam, but Martin was recommending using pima because he thinks that opens up the hand a bit more and allows for better articulation. I tried practicing that for a while, but just could not get the hang of it.

      I don't think the glissandos were overdone at all, but that may just be my sappy, romantic tastes. I actually would prefer more, but that's just me!

      I really think this one has the potential to be standard study in our guitar repertoire. I would not be surprised if it is literally played for centuries.

      Well done! 👋

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    • Eric Phillips Great feed back thanks Eric. I think I have been switching  between pima and pami without realising it, all those tremolo drills paying dividend. I'll have a good play with that later, thanks for tip. 

      Im a sappy romantic too Eric - the glissando is going to be MASSIVE next time.

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    • Jaime Zaldua fluent performance, Jaime, I can see you were really enjoying playing this beautiful piece! Your glissando wasn't as bad as you think. It is an observation that I learn from a friend; she says: whatever nuance, although you think that it is too much, when perceived by audience, is perceived as less. For example, when you sit there and feel that your glissando was rather harsh, then you can alsmot sure that the audience will not hear it as that harsh. 

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    • Jaime Zaldua I can't WAIT!!!

    • Jaime Zaldua you did great! you're right recording is quite challenging, especially when it's a one take with no editing, suddenly we feel some pressure when you realize that as you play... 😱... but we're at the right place here to do that... I've never felt as free as since recording videos where I don't play flawlessly 😂... thanks Tonebase!

      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jaime Zaldua Beautiful! That's how it's done. 😁 I really enjoyed it.

  • A very sketchy take on Sketch IV. I found the recording challenging but very insightful. Whilst practicing it was so much better but the improv at end was not really happening. Then recording it the first bit fell to bit's and an interesting improvisation came out at the end. It's a funny game. These studies are so beautiful and inspiring Sergio is a genius and Tonebase your legends for commissioning it.

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    • Jaime Zaldua Very good, Jaime! I liked your improvisation a lot! I tried it on this one a bit myself, but nothing worthwhile came out of my guitar. I really liked what you did at the beginning of the improv (on the upper strings). Great little chromatic bits!

      You've inspired me to go back to this one and give another go at the improv. 😁

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    • Jaime Zaldua thanks for sharing us your improvisation, that was very cool... I definitely should try it at some point... and you're right, Sergio is just a mastermind!

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jaime Zaldua Well done Jamie - it's such a great little study and I love the improv

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  • Sketch IV with Improv. Jaime inspired me to give this one another try, with the improvisation. Not perfect, but lots of fun!

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Great improv! Sorry been out of the forum for a few days so I've probably missed quite a few of your videos - just trying to catch up before tomorrow!

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    • Ron Glad to have you back, Ron! Thanks for listening.

  • Sketch VII Variations 5-7. Here I am playing just the last three variations, hopefully a bit better than in my complete video from earlier. The last variation is, unfortunately, at a much slower tempo.

    What was easy: Smiling at the end (happy it's over I guess!) 😁

    What was difficult: Trying to make the changes in meter sound natural and relaxed.

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Very good Eric - your playing always sounds natural and relaxed to me - I really struggle to relax

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    • Ron Thanks Ron. It’s just hard for me to feel these rhythms.

    • Eric Phillips Excellent Eric I loved it and the improv was great it kept the original feeling, really imaginative work. Thanks so much 🙏

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    • Jaime Zaldua Thank you, Jaime. I appreciate the kind words!

    • Ronnull
    • Ron.3
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Sorry been out of the loop for a few days but I managed to get some practice time today on Sketch 4.


    What was easy? I found the B sections easier than the A sections, although balancing the bass melody with the accompaniment needs work!


    What was difficult? Some of the left hand fingerings - particularly in the A sections really require a lot of precision and care to get a clean flow - the change from bar 5 to bar 6 was troublesome for some reason

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