Interactive Masterclass with Sanel Redžić

I am super excited to welcome Sanel Redžić for an Interactive Masterclass with you! It is so wonderful to invite guests on tonebase LIVE and see them interact with fellow tonebase members!
Sanel Redžić - classical guitarist, sound engineer and teacher is one of the most virtuosic and enthusiastic musicians of his generation. He is a winner of 36 international prizes including first prizes in Tokyo, Vienna, Kutna Hora and Weimar. His concert tours brought him to more than 30 countries around the globe and a number of these concerts took place in famous concert halls such as the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Recital Hall, Yamaha Concert Hall und Hakuju Concert Hall Tokyo, Carl-Orff-Saal im Gasteig in München, International House of Music Moscow, Smetana Hall in Prague, National Philharmonic of Ukraine, Kolarac Hall Belgrade or Philharmonic Hall Paul Constantinescu Ploiesti. At the moment is Mr. Redžić teaching at the Hochschule für Musik "Franz Liszt" in Weimar and at the University of Erfurt in Germany.
We have 4 spots á 15min, sign up now and don't forget to attach scores prior to the class
- Olli
Capricho Arabe by Francisco Tarrega - Roni Glaser
Etude No.4 by Regondi - Nora Torres-Nagel
Granada by Isaac Albeniz - Emma
Gavotte BWV1012 by Bach
This will be an interactive Livestream, so let me attach all the info needed for this exciting new tonebase LIVE format!
What do I need?
We are going to use ZOOM for the interactive part of Livestream (the same piece of software that we have been using for the Virtual Hangouts). While it is not necessary to download the software, I would recommend it as it runs more stable as the browser version. In order to have the best audio quality, you can activate the option
Preserve Original Sound, here you find the documentation on how to activate that.
It's best to prepare for that lesson to get the most out of it in the interactive part! So listen to some of our fantastic release on
How does this take place?
- Simply watch the Livestream at the time indicated in the Live Calender!
- At the end of the approx. 25-35min Livestream, I will share a ZOOM Link in the Chat. Click on that link, it will take you to our ZOOM Cohort Based Course
- In the Zoom Call, we will get into greater depth about challenging passages of that piece, we can discuss certain fingering possibilities TOGETHER and YOU can get a full masterclass experience if you decide to take part with audio and video (not necessarily needed, more on that below)!