Week 4: "Samba Strings Showcase"
Welcome to the Main Thread for the last week of "Villa-Lobos Voyage" practice challenge!
Select a mesmerizing piece from Villa-Lobos or a composer connected to his Brazilian heritage. Whether it's a soulful Villa-Lobos composition, a rhythmic Brazilian-inspired work, or a piece by another artist inspired by the Brazilian musical tradition, the choice is yours!
Commit to regular practice and share your progress with the community. Strive to practice daily and upload at least two videos per week to showcase your musical voyage. This not only keeps you motivated but also allows you to share your artistic journey with our tonebase family.
Share your favorite performance or recording that captures the spirit of the "Villa-Lobos-Voyage Challenge." Your submission will inspire others and create a vibrant collection of potential pieces for fellow members to explore.
↓ Happy Sharing! ↓
HVL Etude #5 - Final submission - probably
This is a pretty good version except for an extended stumble right after one of the high points and then another stumble at the end. I have spent the last 3 days practicing and recording this over and over. Trying to figure out which take to use was always weighing 1 botched segment against another. I really should learn how to digitally splice. The takes between recordings were always the best. The fish that got away were always the biggest. So it goes.
I am leaving for a month Spain, Portugal and France on Monday. I should be able to follow whatever is going on but I won't be able to submit anything.
So Martin - don't come up with any enticing Challenges or Livestreams over the next month. A couple of suggestions - The role of the Classical guitar in detergent commercials Livestream, The Ice Cream Truck Transcription Challenge.
For my final submission, here is HVL Estudio 4. I have been working on this for a few weeks and while it is close, there are a few areas that still need a little polishing. The challenge with this study is to play the "acordes repitidos" (repeated chords) precisely and rhythmically for four plus minutes, making all the shifts cleanly and with as little squeaks as possible (still some work needed here) and to instill in it dynamic and tonal variety. I would also like to increase tempo ever so slightly, while keeping it Andante.
While I used the Eschig Edition, it included Carlevaro's edits and fingering. I also have a copy of the original HVL score which I referenced as well. It also should be noted that there are a couple of errors in the Eschig Edition regarding a few notes. The first error can be found in the 9th measure. The two inner notes of the third chord of that measure should be G natural and E flat. Additionally, on the second page of the Eschig Edition, when the initial theme returns in the second line marked "A Tempo," there is an error in the fifth measure of the second line. The inner B in the first chord of that line should be a B flat,
Maestro Carlevaro wrote the following about this Estudio, "The original manuscript of this study, which Villa-Lobos gave me (to Carlevaro) in Rio de Janeiro indicates 'aproveitando sempre as cordas soltas' (always taking advantage of the open strings). and its marked "Andante" rather than 'un peu modere' as indicated in the published edition."