WEEK ONE: Uncharted Territory!
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the Sergio Assad Community Challenge, starting to discover this wonderfully intriguing set of etudes!
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (← click)
- Watch the Kick-Off-Livestream on July 16th to get an overview!
- Download the scores for Assad's 10 Sketches here (← click)
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing the Sketch!
- (Optional:) questions
↓ Reply below with your assignments and questions! ↓
Hello everybody, I gave the first Sketch a try and - Spoiler alert - failed miserably in the 4th section of the 1st Sketch, but I'll continue working on that one!
- Things you found easy: Shaping and phrasing the line as the Simple Notes can't hide their harmonic direction!
- Things you found difficult: Adding the brazilian flavour the the 4th part and especially performing it! While the first 3 sections are repetitive and the way their patterns are built, the 4th really needs attention for fingering in order not to stumble! A wolf in sheep's clothing!
Here's my first stab at Sketch I.
Things I found easy: The harmonic structure of this melody is so clear that phrasing is not a mystery at all.
Things I found difficult: Two things.
1. The left hand fingering in measure 45 I find very difficult, which probably means I need to work on it. I took the easy way out for this recording and re-fingered it.
2. I did not work out any right hand fingering at all, but just went with whatever came naturally. Section 4, in particular. would benefit from more careful planning.
So now I can either work on these details or move on. Not sure what I'll do!
Hi everyone, here is my 2nd take for Etude 1, part 1,2, and 3. I have not achieved resonable fluency with part 4, so there is no part 4 yet ^^
Things I found easy: the first 8 bars of each part are easy for me because it does not require much shifting of left hand fingers
Things I found difficult: the last 8 bars of each part, because the left hand shift rapidly and jumps rapidly :)