Pulsar / Vincent Lindsey-Clark
Never heard of this Composer - don't know why this could happen . Last week i stumbled over that Piece watching Youtube and the Master himself playing it. This piece is really great and I want to learn it. The scores are available via digital download ( see link I the video description ) - and as a motivation booster ( no Corona-Booster ) I will share my progress with you dear community. Today I startet sight-reading and learning the piece - thanks to holidays, a video about playing the first bars will follow in the course of the day or night
Best Regards an I wish everybody a great new year with great music
This is my first contact with the piece. There is much work to do...
Here is update number two -after practicing another 7 days on the piece. It is still much work do ....
- bringing up to speed - adding volume changes - adding colour changeshttps://youtu.be/h5x9ayj24rw