Emma’s practice diary: learning tremolo
I will use this diary to record my progress with the tremolo. I have started with very slow practice: planting and making the a m i sound exactly the same. This is a long run objective. I will be patient and will try to internalise this movement. I have started with slow practice of the tremolo of Carcassi number 7.
Nora Torres-Nagel hice el video! I have been practicing this for a few weeks and always delaying the recording to the next day... anyway here it goes at 75 in the metronome. There are mistakes and no musicality but the important thing here is the tremolo. Please any advice from viewers is soooo apreciated. Also I wanted to do one before the practice with Martin on friday... Difficult here is the clean change from arpeggio imi to tremolo, and I think the tremolo needs more energy