Un Día de Noviembre - and getting back into guitar after a 7 year break

  • Ryan
  • rajano
  • updated 1 yr ago

I'll try to get a better mic for future recordings.


I started playing guitar again this month after stopping in 2016 - for my own reasons. My left hand and fingers are absolutely killing me - need to build up strength and callouses again.


I've chosen to learn a new piece as well to ease me back in, as well as re-learn my old repertoire. Un Día de Noviembre by Leo Brouwer - I think it's just a beautiful and somber piece. I started learning it two days ago. The first time I heard it was Tatyana Ryzhkova's popular rendition on youtube, years ago.


I currently can only play the first section (in A minor) well enough to be worth recording, though I can (barely) play the whole piece through. I'm also using a guitar support for the first time today instead of a foot stool, which gave me circulation issues for years. It seems to be working better so far, but it takes some getting used to.

I'm currently focusing on playing as legato as possible. I'm working on tone as well, though my nails haven't quite grown back long enough yet to get the exact tone I want, so it sounds a bit coarse right now.

I hope to build up enough strength to play the start of the A major section well. That barre is quite brutal for me right now.

I also watched Isaac Bustos' lesson on this piece and found it to be very helpful.


I noticed that there was a livestream today on Bach's BWV 999 - I actually played this one in 2015 in my final year of high school. I haven't watched the livestream yet, but I will, especially since I'm starting to play it again now. The clip from 2015 linked above - the performance isn't without error, guess I was nervous!


I'm looking forward to my future of learning guitar on tonebase!

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