Virtual Masterclass: Virtual Masterclass featuring Narvaez, Schumann, de Falla and Torroba
It is time to bring back the VIRTUAL MASTERCLASSES! I am super excited to bring back this exciting opportunity and unique virtual experiences for all community members!
Participants so far:
- Olli "Cancion del Emperador "by Narvaez
- Eric Phillips "Träumerei" by Schumann
- Jack Stewart "Homenaje" by de Falla OR En los Trigales by Rodrico
- joosje "Madronos" by Torroba
- Derek "Coriente" by Gaspar Sanz
I think I will be able to discuss something between 4-6 submissions!
- You send in a video of yourself performing a piece, movement of a piece, or even a passage from a piece. Alternatively, you can submit a passage of sheet music for me to give you targeted advice on.
- Submit right here, by replying to this thread!
- You can either attach a video directly from your computer, or paste a link to a YouTube video
- (If you opt to use a YouTube video, it can be unlisted - no need to make it public!)
- Please also attach a link to the sheet music.
I hope you will find this opportunity as exciting as I do!
- When was the last time you had a masterclasses or guitar festival in person?
- With which musician (doesn't need to be a guitarist, doesn't need to be a living person) would you like to have a conversation about your playing?
Martin Hello Martin, i would love to participate with the piece "Cancion den Emperador" Luis de Narvàez. A video will follow after your tonight Video-Editing-Workshop and after another several days of practicing the piece
- When was the last time you had a masterclass or guitar festival in person?
- 30.01.2019 in Dr.Hochs Konservatorium in FFM - together with Arturo Ceballos.
- 16.09.2017 in Friedberger Gitarrentage - together with José Antonio Escobar
- 28.04,2016 Dr. Hochs Konservatorium - together with Victor Villadangos
- With which musician (doesn't need to be a guitarist, doesn't need to be a living person) would you like to have a conversation about your playing?
- I am a very big fan of Julian Bream. Unfortunately I never saw him playing live. If time travel would be possible, i would love to visit him in his old Farmhouse and take part on his masterclass. Also I would have a look at José Luis Romanillos Guitarworkshop in Breams Farmhouse and check out his guitars .
Hey Martin, I would like to participate in this masterclass. I would like to present one of the 2 pieces I am working on for the Spain Challenge, either Rodrigo's En Los Trigales or Da Falla's Homenaje. I presented the first half of the Da Falla in Emmanuel's MC. He provided a lot of very helpful suggestions which I am trying to incorporate. My preference would be to present the 2nd half of Hommenje. But we'll see where I am with those pieces at that time.
If you prefer to have someone that hasn't been in a masterclass recently that would be fine.
I have had several masterclasses years (decades!) ago, Sharon Isben, Benjamin Verdery and my first was with Pepe Romero - don't tell him though. I had only been playing for a year and my participation must have been very painful for him. My nightmare is meeting him now and him saying "wait a minute, I remember you".
John Williams was probably my first inspiration on classical guitar (Bream was a close second). When I was 20 or so I had been playing rock guitar and decided to change . I thought I was signing up for jazz but the teacher no longer taught jazz but then taught classical. I thought ok sure. On the way home I stopped by a record (!) store and bought a copy of John Williams' Variations to hear what I was going to learn. I remember hearing his version of Bach's chaconne and thinking 'Wow! I'm going to learn that?!'. 50 years later I am still thinking that.
I would probably second Olli's desire to meet Julian Bream. David Starobin would also be up there.
I would love to participate, and I think I can attend live (virtually, of course), as I have off of work that day.
My last in person masterclass was my only in person masterclass. It was around the year 1990 with Carlos Barbosa-Lima. I played a couple arrangements of Gershwin songs.
My dream (and nightmare) masterclass would be with Julian Bream.
I am submitting my recording of Traumerei that I submitted to the Transcription Challenge. I don't have an exact score of what I played, but I do have Tarrega's transcription, which I used as a starting point, but altered a bit.
I am open to any and all helpful advice you may have. Perhaps one thing I'd like to focus on is musicality. How can I make it more engaging? How can I add variety to repeated sections? How can I make certain moments in the music more special?
I’ll join, if there is a place left. Torroba, Madronos. It’s new, I started today. I hope I can follow tonight’s video editing session, then I will try to make a more or less acceptable recording.
I had a few lessons in Prague with Pavel, very formative! Masterclasses during festivals (rather short ones unfortunately) with Gabriel, Matthew McAllister, Stephanie Jones, Rafael Andia, Raphael Feuillatre and Thibaut Garcia. You see, French oriented.
Ida Presti! Her playing is so sensitive, refined and strong at the same time. Her tone and intensity are my greatest inspiration. And of course, as most others of my generation, I was first of all inspired by Bream and Williams -
Hi Martin if there is sufficient time I would like to join. I would play a Coriente by Sanz. Just a short piece. Thank you Derek
The only masterclasses I have performed in have been on Tonebase although I attended one as a spectator with Scott Tennant.
There are many musicians I would like to have a conversation with but like many of the others John Williams would be the one
Cancion del Imperador / Luis de Narváez
Martin Hello Martin, this is the piece I am working on. I heard many different Versions of this piece on Youtube. The piece seems to me on one hand very interesting and magical - on the other hand some kind of creeping and boring. I tried to make some rubato and colour-changes , but I am not so happy with the result . Maybe the piece is like it is.... or do you have some magical ideas ? My wife likes this piece very much as background-music for watching old Churches or Cathedrals - but not for amusement . In bar 62 I changes the FIS to fis - playing the groundnote in the middle voice , because it is impossible for me to play like written ( I had some problems with my left Arm "Tennisarm" and won't risk any wide stretching)...
I am looking forward to your advices and Ideas on Monday
Thank you