Thomas Viloteau: How To Get Your Fingerings To The Next Level!

Join us in an illuminating live stream with celebrated classical guitarist Thomas Viloteau as we delve into the art of guitar fingerings - a crucial yet often underexplored topic in music education. Under Thomas's guidance, we'll dissect examples from classical guitar repertoire, illustrating effective strategies to find the best fingerings to serve our musical goals.

In this session, you'll not only refine your fingerings but also learn how to align them with your artistic vision, ensuring that your music rings true to your unique interpretation. Whether you're an ambitious beginner or a seasoned performer, Thomas Viloteau will help take your fingerings, and in turn, your performance, to the next level. Don't miss this unique opportunity to enrich your guitar skills and broaden your musical perspective. Bring your questions and join the discussion!

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  • Unfortunately, I will not be available, but would look forward to watch catch-up recording.

    • Jeff
    • Jeff.1
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hoping this topic will included both left and right hand fingerings and looking forward the event..Thanks

  • As a beginner I'm looking forward to this. I'm especially curious about stretching of left hand fingers. I struggle with some chord shapes like B7, chords that require vertical stretching especially between the 1st and 4th finger. Any advice during the livestream would be appreciated.

    • Nijwm Bwiswmuthiary I'm adding these images to demonstrate my issues with fingerings. I'm not sure if my wrists should be bent like that.

    • kieuhieu
    • kieuhieu
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hallo, very interesting Topic but it there a general rules to decide finegering( both left and right hands) or how can we choose the fingering wisely . Thank you!!

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