WEEK 1: Exploring Carcassi's Etudes
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the composition challenge! This is the place to post updates for the first week.
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
- Get the Scores here! (<- click)
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
↓ Reply below with your updates and questions! ↓
Study 2
I watched the new video lesson on this etude by Tengyue Zhang, and I loved it so much that I just had to give it a go. I've played it before many moons ago, but the lesson made me want to really work on it and make it fresh and new.
In the lesson, Tengyue suggested playing it very slowly for an entire week, so that is just what I will be doing. The tempo in the video is VERY slow (if you don't listen to the whole thing, that's fine
). I also decided to use the right hand pattern p-i-m-a-m-a-m-a in order to work on my m-a independence.
What was easy: It's so beautiful and expressive that it is a joy to practice.
What was difficult: Getting consistency of tone between the m and a fingers. It was also challenging to keep the tempo so slow (I did not want to use a metronome).
Hi everyone, so here is my first video about Etude no. 7. I first learned it last year and I started to rehearse it a few days ago.
Things I find easy: sight reading
Things I found difficult: almost everything else. Also memory slip, because it is a longer piece among the etudes. And secondly, my left hand fingering's decision slightly changes when a section repeated, it can confuse me. I looked rather relax in the video but actually inside, I was nervous and stressed out of worrying to play a wrong note. :D
I got one note wrong in this video. It is in measure 24th when that section is repeated close to the end of the piece. The highlighted E-note I played D due to nervousness. I will polish the piece again and hope to not hit a wrong note in the future retakes. Thank you for watching :)
Hi everyone, so here is my second take of Etude 7 after about 1 hour of practicing with dotted rythm at 105bpm. I heard about this method but never really tried it out until a few hours ago, I gave it a try and practice using dotted rythm. I can see it seems to work on me quite well. At least it is a way for me to achieve control at higher speed without feeling tense in my hands. :)