Exploring Villa-Lobos: Stanley Yates on the Five Preludes

Join us for an enchanting journey through the world of Heitor Villa-Lobos with classical guitar maestro, Stanley Yates. In this exclusive livestream, Stanley will delve into the intricate beauty and profound depth of Villa-Lobos's 5 Preludes, offering his unique insights and interpretations. Whether you're a seasoned guitarist or a classical music enthusiast, this session promises to deepen your appreciation of these masterpieces. Expect a blend of performance, analysis, and enlightening discussion, tailored to both inspire and educate. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the most respected figures in classical guitar as he brings the vibrant landscapes of Villa-Lobos's music to life.

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  • I will have to watch the recorded video but count me in.

    Thank you Martín and tonebase for offering a live program with Stanley Yates on the topic of H. Villa-Lobos Cinq Preludes.

    This is a program that should not be missed from an iconic musician, guitarist, educator and publisher who has done so much for the world of guitar.

    Thank you Stanley for all your work and providing excellent resources for guitarist.

    Matin, you always are an excellent host.

    Thanks, Michael 

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 9 mths ago
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      Michael Carlson You're welcome to post questions for Stanley, even if you can't attend!

    • Don
    • Don.1
    • 9 mths ago
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    If I can't watch the program live I will definitely watch the recording  (several times).

    Where was all of this when I began playing in the late 1960's???

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 9 mths ago
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      Don I know, right??? 😍

  • I was thinking on the comment from Stanley Yates who mentioned that Villa Lobos work were copyrighted and for that reason,  the manuscript could not be shared.  These pieces were written a long time ago.  I thought that copyright had a fix length of time around 70 years and then after it goes into the public domain.  I may be totally wrong about the rules and maybe the rules vary between countries.  It would be great if tone base could have a paper explaining how copyright works for music..

  • Thanks Martin and Stanley! I wanted to add that one can actually hear Villa-Lobos playing Prelude No. 1 and the Choro No. 1. This is a historical recording curated by Turibio Santos distributed by Sanctusrecordings.com. Just search Villa-Lobos plays Villa-Lobos and you should be able to find it.


    It was actually Stanley that enlightened me to this recording many years ago.  What is fascinating is you can hear Villa-Lobos playing all of those glissandos that we sometimes hear guitarists omit.   


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