SIGN UP: Improve your Polyphonic Playing - with Peter Graneis!


Improve your Polyphonic Playing with Peter Graneis

This course is about polyphonic playing, which involves articulating more than one voice within a piece of music.

It is important to distinguish between playing 2 or more notes simultaneously (at the same time) or consecutively (one after another). In both cases, we learn the necessary techniques for our right hand, and possibly for our ears as well.

Once we have learned this technique, it can be applied to many different scenarios in repertoire. This includes articulating various voices in a fugue or simply stressing a single note in a chord.


  • Course Period: August 14 - 25
  • Sign-Up:  Now until Sunday, August 13
  • Group Session: August 22nd, 10am PST


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  • Hello, I would like to sign up too. Caro

  • Hello, I did not receive a sign up link. It is the first time I tried to join and don't know what went wrong. If I could just listen to the course it would be fine by me Caroline

    • David
    • David.39
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Martin, can you post our group video recording of the Zoom session with Peter for those who could not attend the metting? Thank you very much 

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  • Please do! I'd love to watch it. Caroline

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  • I just finished this TWI meeting . Is the same ? 08-25-23

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 30Replies
  • 303Views
  • 16 Following


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