Week 3: Tackling Challenges!

Welcome to the Main Thread for the third week of "Unfinished Business" practice challenge! 

  1. Choose an piece that you have started to practice but never fully commited to finish. It could be a an iconic masterpiece, a technical challenge, a sweet little miniature or a piece that you played a long time ago and always wanted to refresh! You're encouraged to experiment with pieces from composers you're not accustomed to or push your boundaries with a technically demanding work. 🎼
  2. Commit to regular practice and share your journey with the community. Aim to practice daily and upload at least two videos per week to showcase your progress. This will not only aid in keeping you dedicated and motivated but also enables you to share your musical journey with our tonebase family. 🎥
  3. Share your favorite piece or recording that you always wanted to learnm but is still "unfinished business". Your submission will serve as inspiration for others and construct a vibrant repertoire of potential pieces for fellow members to explore. 🎧

↓ Happy Sharing! ↓

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    Arabesque no 1

    Work had been crazy for last 2 weeks and sometines don't even feel like taking out the gutiar to play. Finally had some time and in right mental state yesterday and today to practice a bit. 


    Finally gotten to the last bar and think this will be last update for this piece and I'll revisit this again when I have better technical control.

    Like 4
    • don Nicely done, Don. Definitely can see great improvement over the Challenge.

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