Level 1 - List Of Pieces (+ Discussion Space)
What to expect:
Within level 1 you will find lessons on elementary repertoire and technique. If you've just begun to play the guitar this is a great place to start! Level 1 lessons focus on the very basics of guitar technique and interpretation.
If you are still working on the very basics of guitar playing and want to find a variety of pieces that will allow you to focus on specific techniques and ideas then this is the place for you. All level 1 pieces are playable entirely within first position, in keys that are idiomatic on the instrument. These pieces feature simple rhythms and basic right hand finger strokes, allowing you to focus on developing strong basics.
Selection of tonebase Level 1 Courses:
- Daniel De Arakal teaches: Beginning Guitar Course
- Mircea Gogoncea teaches: Reading Sheet Music on the Guitar [TABS!]
- Gulli Bjornsson teaches: 11 Progressive "Landslög" (Landscapes) Commissioned by tonebase
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I'm still new at Tonebase but I believe I have some seen some older discussions in the forum discussions on the possibility of linking lessons to the various levels. I am wondering if there are still plans to do this or if the idea has been abandoned. Please advise.
When I review the various levels, I only see a couple of courses such as the Beginner's Courses and the Reading Music course suggested in the levels but none of the other lessons, just various pieces of music. From my browsing, there are a lot of lessons on the site and the choices are overwhelming. Being new to Tonebase, and new to classical guitar, I am at a loss as to how to proceed with my studies of classical guitar once I complete the Beginner's Guitar Course Part 1. I see that the Beginner's Guitar Course Part 2 is not suggested until Level 3 or 4. Accordingly, I take that to mean I shouldn't do Part 2 right after completing Part 1.
The alternative is that after I complete Part 1, I have already completed the Reading Music course, I would start working on various pieces of music, as suggested by the levels, and then just pick lessons that are tagged as "all-levels" and stay away from the lessons tagged as "intermediate" or "advanced".
Thank you in advance for any guidance provided.
Jim King
Yesterday I watched a ToneBase Piano workshop on Hanon's exercises as a "complete" one-stop technique regimen resource for pianists at intro to advanced level. I have many technique books and know there are Level 1 and 2 intro to Guitar workbooks on ToneBase Guitar. For someone already well-versed in how to read music (at the level of being able to play piano, violin, etc.), what on ToneBase would you recommend for a similar one-book/one-workshop for RH and LH technique? I own Pumping Nylon, The Path to Virtuosity, Berg's Mastering Guitar Technique, The Bible of Classical Guitar Technique by Käpple, Yates's Classical Guitar Technique from Foundation to Virtuosity, and the classics by Sor, Guiliani, Carcassi, among other materials. It is all a bit bewildering, and many of the "intro to guitar" book mix technique with learning how to read music. I just want help from ToneBase on how to navigate technical books/materials on ToneBase to eliminate the basic musicianship from actually learning the specifics of Guitar Playing. Any guide for the musically literate, but newer to Guitar in terms of a simple daily guide to progressing through technique on the RH and LH will be very helpful.